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There are currently four models in the OnCell G3101/G3201 series of
IP-modems: the OnCell G3111, OnCell G3151, OnCell G3211, and OnCell
G3251. The main difference between the models is the serial interface
type and number of ports. The OnCell G3101/G3201 industrial RS-232,
RS-232/422/485 GSM/GPRS IP modems are some of the most affordable,
and versatile products available in the cellular networking market today.
These modems also provide remote access and TCP/IP support, and can
be configured over a network.
Package Checklist
Moxa’s OnCell G3101/G3201 Series is shipped with the following items. If
any of these items is missing or damaged, please contact your customer
service representative for assistance.
Standard Accessories
Omni 1 dBi rubber SMA antenna
(model name: ANT-CQB-ASM-01)
DIN-rail kit
DC Power Supply (screw-on)
Rubber stand
Product warranty statement
Quick installation guide (printed)
Warranty card
Optional Accessories
Quad-band GSM/GPRS antennas for OnCell G3101/G3201 series
(impedance = 50 ohms):
Omni 0dBi/10cm, magnetic SMA
quad-band antenna (impedance = 50 ohms), 3 m
Omni 3dBi/25cm, magnetic SMA
quad-band antenna (impedance = 50 ohms), 3 m
Omni 5dBi/37cm, magnetic SMA
quad-band antenna (impedance = 50 ohms), 3 m
Note: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are
missing or damaged.