2. Motor Mechanisms
1. Characteristic of plastic
At first, plastic was used for substitute of woods or metal. You will be surprised that cutting
board and bath tub are made by wood once upon a time. Bucket and fan are made by metal.
As you know these materials chaning to the plastic, because we are using advantage of
As we mentioned the advantage of plastic, it is "light," "strong at water," "doen't rust," "doesn't
pass electricity," "easy to proceed," "possible to be colored and transparent," "doesn't pass
fever," and etc. Of course there are some faults, such as "easy to change a shape than
metal," "easy to break than metal," "easy to get a clack," "weak at heat," " change a shape
from ultraviolet ray," and etc. Plastic has some faults, however, its advantage is very
attractive. Recently, by devising plastic material, it is becoming not easy to break, strong at
heat, not easy to change shape, and etc., and active for you.
There are many things which use plastics around us. Maybe we will have hard time to find
products that are not using plastic. Plastic is such an essential material. When we explain
the plastic more minute, it is a material that is able to fabricate freely from heating and
pressurization, and it is removed synthesized synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber, synthetic
leather, and called as synthetic resin. It sounds like difficult, doesn't it? Let's explain about
plastic that we don't know unexpectedly even plastic is familiar material to us.
Kind of plastics are changed by place to use, how to use, and shape. Plastic can be divided
into two sections. First one is the plastic that becomes tender by rising temperature
(thermoplastic.) Second is the plastic that becomes tender by rising temperature, but if we
raise the temperature more higher, it becomes hard (thermosetting.) However, this is too big
range to define plastic. Usually we call plastic as thermoplastic and thermosetting. Let's
explain some of plastics (we cannot explain everything of plastic, because there are
numerous kinds of plastic.)
Plastic bag, Vinyl bag
When you go to shopping at convenience store or mall, you will receive plastic bag or vinyl
bag. These bags are made by very thin plastic. Usually, we call vinyl bag that is made by
polyethylene chloridized vinyl, and plastic bag that is made by polyethylene.
Easy to change
Color changes
Weak at heat
Strong at water, not to be rusted
not to pass the electricity
Easy to process
Ⅳ. Explanation of plastic
Explanation of Plastic
Explanation of Plastic
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