Be sure to keep the arm in horizontal
position during adjustment. Or else it
would be difficult to adjust the mount
or damage the mount.
STEP 5 : Adjust Tension
For proper functioning of this mount, depending on different weight of monitor you might need to adjust
tension in gas spring arm (A) using 6 mm Allen Key (M).
When tilted, if the monitor sags or
does not stay, please fasten the tilting bolt
on the mount until the monitor can be held
at any angle as needed
If necessary, refer to above illustrations
to adjust the level of tightness of the
After being attached to the arm, the monitor falls down
and can not stay at the desired height by itself.
Turn counter-clockwise(“+”direction) to increase gas
spring tension until the monitor can stay at the desired
Height by itself.
After being attached to the arm, the monitor rises up and
can not stay at the desired height by itself.
Turn clockwise(“-”direction) to reduce gas spring tension
until the monitor can stay at the desired Height by itself.