Minimal PowerPC 603e Evaluation Board
Revision X3 will have the hardware capability to protect the sector where
MDINK resides and should be less vulnerable to unintentional erasure.
: The Òfw -eÓ command takes a few minutes to execute. Do not power
off the board or attempt to stop the Òfw -eÓ command once it has begun. Since this
command clears the ßash and reloads MDINK, stopping the command will cause
only a partial image of MDINK to be reloaded to ROM. Next time the board is
reset, it will not function correctly.
2. DINK32 is a large Þle. Transfer time at 9600 baud will be lengthy. DINK allows the user to reset
the baud rate to baud rates up to 57600. Check your terminal emulation package for the fastest rate
supported. For example, if the fastest rate supported by your terminal emulation software is 57600,
set the baud rate to 57600 by typing "sb -k 57600" in MDINK.
3. In the terminal emulator, change the baud rate to the new 57600 as well. Under Settings | Speed &
Format, choose 57600 as the baud rate. Click OK in the dialog box and hit <return> in MDINK.
4. Change the autotype protocol so that there is no delay. Do this by selecting Settings | Autotype
Protocol | Protocol Settings. In the space for "Delay", enter a 0 and click OK.
5. Disconnect communication from the board by pressing the telephone icon.
6. Under Connection | Choose Port | Flow Control, select the RTS/CTS option and click OK.
7. Reconnect to the board by pressing the telephone icon again.
8. Press <return> in MDINK.
9. Download the new dink32.src Þle:
Ñ Type "dl -ß -o ffc00000" at the MDINK prompt.
Ñ Hit the autotype icon in Smartcom. Use the directory tree to select the Þle to download and press
the OK button.
Ñ The MDINK prompt returns when the download is complete.
: If communication or power is lost during this process, DINK32 in
FLASHROM will be corrupted. If you can reset and get back to the MDINK
prompt, be sure to start over at step one.
10. Set the baud rate in Smartcom back to 9600 (DINK defaults to 9600 baud). Choose 9600 in the
baud rate Þeld under "Settings | Speed & Format " and click OK.
11. Reset the board by pressing the reset button. MDINK will boot up and will branch to the DINK32
that was just downloaded.
12. If you wish to stop the download in step 10 after it has begun, type "S9" and hit <return>.
13. To return to MDINK from DINK32, type "go fff00100". MDINK will start again.
14. Steps 4 and 5 do not need to be repeated after the Þrst time unless they are modiÞed or the terminal
emulation application is restarted.
To download a new DINK32 from MDINK using
1. Put the ßash into a cleared state by typing "fw -e" at the MDINK prompt. This will cause the ßash
to be erased and a new copy of MDINK will be copied from RAM (at 0x00000000) to the ßash
ROM (0xfff00000).
: In X2 revision Excimer boards, the sector in FLASHROM where
MDINK is stored is eraseable! Typing "fw -e" from the DINK32 prompt instead
of MDINK will erase all of FLASHROM and the board will be inoperable at the
next reset. Should such an unfortunate event occur, MDINK will have to be
reloaded into ßash through the JTAG port (probably in MotorolaÕs Apps Lab).