Phone: 206.336.5656
Fax: 206.336.5667
Technical Support Phone: 206.336.5651
E-mail: techsupport@fulcrum.net
712 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
Fulcrum Technologies, Inc.
Symbol / Motorola
Mobile Computing Device
Icon Description
MCD is in flight mode.
No signal or MCD is searching for a signal.
Full signal.
Connection is active.
GPRS connection is available.
GPRS connection is in use.
EGPRS connection is available.
EGPRS connection is in use.
Backup battery is low.
Main battery is on charge. *
Main battery is low.
Main battery is extremely low.
Main battery is fully charged. *
Speaker is on.
Speaker is off.
Vibrate mode is on.
MCD Icons display at the top of the screen
next to the Start Menu.
* Icons only display on the Today screen.