What is the
significance of LED
A flashing LED indicates the following
Slow flashing: 1. Your Device is in
setup mode. You can add the Device
to your account in this mode. Out of
the box, the Device is in Setup mode.
To reset to Setup mode, press and
hold the PAIR button on the bottom of
the Device untill you hear a beep.
Slow flashing: 2. The Device is either
connecting to the router or has lost
the link to the router. Please ensure
that the Device is in the Wi-Fi signal
LED is stable: The Device is
connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Setting Up
While I am adding a
new Device to my
account, I am not able
to find any Device to
If you are trying to add a Device which
has previously been added into your
account or another account, you will
first have to reset the Device. This can
be done by pressing and holding the
button at the bottom of the
Device for 7 seconds.
Setting Up
During setup on
devices for Android™
and iOS, I am not able
to find my Device
during the last step and
the setup fails.
Please reset the Device to setup
mode and try again. Press and hold
button on the bottom of the
Device until you hear a beep. Wait for
a minute for the Device to restart.
When the Device LED is flashing, this
indicates that it is in setup mode. Now
restart the setup from your
smartphone again.