Brand: Motorola Model:
Number of Mechanical Series:
Number of Electronic Series:
Name of Distributor:
Street and Number:
Postal Code, City, State, or Country:
Date of Delivery or Installation:
• When the cables of the control unit have been stretched or the module tongue-piece has broken.
• When the surface of the “Product” and its pieces have been scratched or damaged due to normal use.
• Leather cases.
• Rented cellular phones.
• When the “Product” has been altered or repaired by non-Motorola authorized service centers.
• When the “Product” has not been operated in agreement with the instructions that accompany the “Product.”
7. The batteries (Nickel-Cadmium) are warranted only if their capacity is reduced by 80% below its predicted capacity. This
warranty is null for all types of batteries if:
• The batteries are charged by a charger that has not been approved by Motorola.
• Any of the battery seals are broken or tampered with.
• The batteries were used or installed in non-Motorola equipment.
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