LED Indicators
The following tables describe what the LEDs on the recorder indicate.
Power Status Indicators
The power button on the front of the recorder lights up when power is on.
Additional information about the power supply is provided by the power status indicator on the back of the
recorder. The following table describes what the LEDs indicate:
Figure 1:
(1) The power status indicator.
LED Indicator
Power is not connected.
Power is supplied to the recorder.
Flashing green
Firmware update is being applied to the power supply unit.
Flashing green then turns off
The redundant power supply is mismatched. This only occurs if
you have a secondary redundant power supply installed.
Flashing orange
There is a problem with the power supply.
Network Link Status Indicators
When the recorder is connected to the network, the recorder’s connection status LEDs above the Ethernet
port display the recorder’s connection status to the network. The following table describes what the LEDs
LED Indicators