Feature that responds to the presence of an RF carrier by
opening or unmuting (turning on) a receiver audio circuit. A
squelch circuit silences the radio when no signal is being
received so that the user does not have to listen to “noise.”
Central Controller
A software-controlled, computer-driven device that receives
and generates data for the trunked radios assigned to it. It
Monitors and directs the operations of the trunked
A group of characteristics, such as transmit/receive
frequency pairs, radio parameters, and encryption
Control Channel
In a trunking system, one of the channels that is used to
provide a continuous, two-way/data-communications path
between the central controller and all radios on the system.
Typically refers to radio-to-radio communications,
sometimes through a repeater. Frequencies are shared
with other users without the aid of a central controller to
assign communications channels.
Conventional Scan List
A scan list that includes only conventional channels.
Commercial Off-The-Shelf.
A visual tracking marker (a blinking line) that indicates a
location on a display.
Digital Private Line
A type of digital communications that utilizes privacy call,
as well as memory channel and busy channel lock out to
enhance communication efficiency.
Digital Signal
An RF signal that has a pulsed, or discrete, nature, rather
than a continuous nature.