Radio Permanent Disable and Radio Permanent Disable v2 are features that are mutually exclusive.
Permanent disabling is intended to protect a network from attack from a compromised or faulty radio.
It can be used when the radio has been compromised, or has been suspected of compromise for a
long time. It is a one-way function and no equivalent enable is available. Then the radio should be
recovered and reprogrammed before being used again by the service provider.
When the radio is permanently disabled, it becomes inoperable.
• All its MMI interfaces on the radio are disabled.
• All its security key material, that is GCK, GSKO, DMO SCKs, Ks, DCK, CCK, and TMO SCKs are
• All its codeplug is deleted.
• All its software is deleted.
The permanent disable should be invoked when it has been determined that a radio is unrecoverable.
When a radio has been lost or stolen, the first step always is to stun the radio using temporary disable.
The permanent disable should be used with the deletion of the user radio record in the User
Configuration Server and the deletion of the K-REF association of the disabled radio in the
Provisioning Center and the Authentication Center. This deletion ensures that subscriber information is
not downloaded into the Home Location Register if a restore of the UCS is performed.
The system operator has to also ensure that the radio K-REF association is also removed from the
other Authentication Centers in the network, in cases where the K-REF pairs are duplicated across the
If this association is not removed, the radio could be assigned a new home zone that lies in a cluster
where the K-REF association has not been deleted.
Radio Permanent Disable v2
This is a Software Selling Feature.
Radio Permanent Disable and Radio Permanent Disable v2 are features that are mutually exclusive.
When the radio is disabled using the permanent disable v2, it cannot be recovered over the air.
The radio appears to be inoperable if the following conditions are met:
• The radio accepts the permanent disable command.
• The permanent disable v2 flag is enabled in the codeplug.
Inoperable characteristics include the following items:
• All its MMI interfaces on the radio appear to be disabled.
• All its security key materials are deleted. The security key materials are GCK, GSKO, DMO SCKs,
Ks, DCK, CCK, TMO SCKs, and End-to-End.
• The radio automatically enters programming mode upon powering attempts.
• The permanent disable flag is set in the codeplug.
Unlike in the permanent disable, a permanent disabled v2 radio can be re-enabled using the software
selling dongle. If you have the software selling dongle, you can read the codeplug and clear the
permanent disable flag.
To restore a radio that is disabled using the permanent disable v2, see
Terminals CPS Start-up User Guide
(Motorola Solutions Part Number: 6802974C10).
Chapter 2 : Services and Features