myFaves: not available with all rate plans. myFaves is only for direct
voice communications between two people. Allows unlimited na-
tionwide calling to any five U.S. phone numbers (exclusions include
411, voicemail, toll-free, 900, calling card, customer’s own numbers,
numbers accessing 500 or more lines, conference bridges, and chat
lines. Other restrictions and exclusions may apply. myFaves numbers
may be changed only once per calendar month. International calling,
myFaves photographs/icons and other services incur separate addi-
tional charges.
Messaging Plans/Features: You will be charged for all data sent by or
to you through the network, regardless of whether received. Character
length/file size of messages/attachments may be limited. T-Mobile is not
liable for content of messages/attachments or for any failures, delays
or errors in any T-Mobile-generated alerts or notifications. Downloads:
Additional charges apply; not all downloads available on all devices.
You obtain no rights in downloads; duration of use may be limited; may
be stored solely for use with your device. T-Mobile is not responsible for
any download lost due to your error. See Pricing, Services and Device
brochures, and T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions (including arbitra
tion provisions) at T-Mobile.com, for rate plan information, charges for
features and services, and restrictions and details.
T-Mobile, t-zones, and the magenta color are federally registered trade
marks of Deutsche Telekom AG. myFaves and the myFaves design are
federally registered trademarks of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
©2008 T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Additional Information