MOTO GUZZI 1000 SP II Скачать руководство пользователя страница 169

Содержание 1000 SP II


Страница 2: ...ThiS mllnual will alllO U a guidanc to anybGdy who w1 shn to la ni II W lh lhe manufactu ing cheraclelisties or ne various omllorn nl pans ol Ine v1000 Cii 5 end 1000 SP models The knowledge 01 tllese...

Страница 3: the wire gauze 4 3 lubricating the gearl o 4 4 lubrlcaling 1M rear drive I o 4 5 Fork lubrication 4 6 lubrication 01 steering bearings ar d swing Irm 5 1 Pan 1 board model V 1000 G 5 5 2 Igni...

Страница 4: ...1000 SP mOdel 6 1 Adju ting It e clutch lever play 8 2 Adjusting 1M right I ont brake lever 6 3 Adjusting Ihe fronl lelt and rear brake pedal 6 5 Adjusting Ihe stee ing 6 4 Adjusting tt e rea suspens...

Страница 5: ...nal in crankcase drive side 12 23 Assembling Ihe seal on timing cover 12 24 Crankcase 12 25 Checking oil leakages from the crankcase 13 1 Timing data 13 2 Diameter 01 camshaft bearings in their housir...

Страница 6: ...22 1 Inspection 22 2 Removing the bearings trom Ihe swing fo k 22 3 Pressing the o Ie races 01 the swing arm taper bear gs 22 PreSSingl e beafings inlo the R H a m 01 the swing tork 22 5 Adjusting th...

Страница 7: ...ltery 24 2 Afternator genaralor 24 3 Regllialor 24 Rectifier 24 5 Startar molor 24 6 Ignilion system z 7 Alllomalic altvane 24 Capacitors 24 9 IgnillO 1 coil 24 10 Spark pll lllS 24 11 Twin contact br...

Страница 8: ......

Страница 9: ...9...

Страница 10: ...ts 1 1 SPARE PARTS In case 01 any replacements ensure thai _Original Moto Guzli Sp e p rts only Ife used Tha use ot non genulne parIS Invalidates every war nty right 1 2 WARRANTY The wa enty vallo for...

Страница 11: ...y pre urc Iiel valve Fro t on cfanlu h ft 14 1 20 A Battery co 1 Ig tio wilh twin conlac breaker a d automatic a v uJ Ig illo dala inlt al adv ce Ilxed 2 cutomallc dv nce 31 lull adv nce I a 3 Cont W...

Страница 12: tha moto cyela al cons nl high speed or 0 highways it is recommen ded 1o inc ease pressure by 0 2 kg cm 3 p s i Front twin disc brake i d caliper with lwu cylindCr Hun con Jrolled by lever on the r...

Страница 13: ...l ASO R 0 I Mohkote 0 type A 11080 lIS 2 Ol Ag p F 1 ATF De on Ag p F Brake iu d ME J 1703 B Two cyl nder 4 slroke Cylinder disposition _V_ 90 Bore 68 mm Stroke 78 mm Oisplacemem 94B 8 cc Comp re s o...

Страница 14: ...3rd gea 101 047 21 22 41h gear e 10 0 869 23 20 High gear 10 0 750 2S 21 Oy cardan shall bevul gear set Ralio 1 10 U14 7 3 CNerall gear ratioS engine_wh lel Low gear e 11 643 2nd gear e 0 II O 3rd gea...

Страница 15: ...bra e is hy lf aucally connected 10 a second Ironl bra ke 01 U me type and i es as the hand operated Iront bra ke Wheelbase loaded Lenglh 2 180m 88 Widlh 0 750 m 29 5 1 Width incl windshield 1 380 m...

Страница 16: ...witch 10 Rev counter 11 Pedal lefl front and rear brakes 12 FOOl rest 13 Reservoir master cylinder 1 lI Iront and feaf brakes 14 Footrest pillion 15 Safely bar rear 18 Saddle bag 17 Caliper left flOnl...

Страница 17: ...rear brakes t o Footrl st 11 P itiO l 100heSt t2 Turo signal tndicato ea 13 Caliper lel1 front brake 14 Ae counte 15 Clock 16 Windshteld 11 Cfulch fe er 18 Cootrol bul100s horn 111I h1 g 1i9 rs turn n...

Страница 18: ...ired 3 Is Of oil AGIP Slnl 2000 SAE IOW 5I J bt 3 1 Qts US 2 REPUCING THE OIL FILTER CARTRlaGE ANO a EAHING THE WIRE GAUZE FIi TVI fig 5 r t tn IeS Ih 1 i f 5 011 ch m l c Wtr A p oceedlng lollow li 1...

Страница 19: ...ear drive box Thi replacement i best done on a warm englrle when the oit II easier to be dr ined let the old 011 d n h lly belo adding I e h oil _A_ level COrll ol cap _8_ lie cap c Drain plug Quanlit...

Страница 20: ...21...

Страница 21: ...e light keeps on lJashinll the stand S not raised The engine ilt not Iurt 9 Wo ning ligl t g 9 n IndicaT ing parking t ghts ON_ 10 Warning light red indicating incorrect lIuid level in the I ont lett...

Страница 22: ...Is incorrect In such case tha engine should be immedlalel IIOP ped and the cluse 10 the laull looked lor 10 W I ning lighl red ndicating incolfect lluid level In Ine Itoot and rear b ake reservoir Whe...

Страница 23: ...e is located on the L H side of the vehieie a Slam g position C Riding PQs tion 5 8 THROTTLE CONTROL GRIP I E fig 14 RighI On tile handleDa Th Ol1le is opened by Iv olng low d tl fIde 0 Vlceve sa S t...

Страница 24: arrow downwards OFF Closed arrow horizontal 5 11 FUEL TAP 1000 SP Iig 19 5 17 ELECTAOv ALv e V 1000 G5 _A _ In lig 2O It totted on the lett hand side under Ihe luel tank and feedl the carburettors_...

Страница 25: ...release It 3 d lake il vul 5 20 i C STANO V 1000 GS IS Hg 231 Tila mOlo cyele IS equipped Wllh l Side sland In used 10 shUl l SlOPS o y For lon SIOr S I is always adVisable III p tlw byke on the een...

Страница 26: ...ZT...

Страница 27: ...eeler gauge between master c l inder lIoaler rId Ihe operating leve end and acl on IIccllnlnc screw A CorreCI play is 0 05 0 15 mm 0019 0059 6 4 ADJUSTING THE REAR S SPENSION Iig 29 The qe mal nhnQ S...

Страница 28: ...tting is adjusted tly undoing screw A while vertical satting is adjusled Ihrough screw _C _ and moving luj h adlight up or down until the cor reel height is otltained The cenler 01 the Iligh eam mU sl...

Страница 29: ...he fully Dpen pDSition Allhis siage inlroduce Ine I Ilade Of leeIe gauge _A be een the pDinlS checking Ihat the opening is reCI I e 0 37 43mm 014 016 In case Illis distance is not as p esctibed slaCke...

Страница 30: abrasive m lleriaiS pumice powder emery paper scrapers or uchli e BefOre polishing ensure that all dust and impuri ties are remoV d Ught scratches can be smoolhed OUI with lighl polish fresh paint...

Страница 31: ...ance Eyery 5000 6000 km 3000 4000 mile Check fluid le el In the ese vol mas e cylinder Jor Ihe ighl 1 001 brake Ao incorrect fluid le IIal io the eseIYOor 10 Ihe lell 1 0 11 b ake and ea b ke s indica...

Страница 32: ...indle BOlls credle 10 frame sm urlng NUl cradle 10 Irame securing screws Cap outs swing arm spindle Nu drive box to swiog erm Top plugs fronl IOfk NUl frool and rear wheel spiodle Bush sle9riog lock S...

Страница 33: ...TOOl Imoidai s 1 assombly on Iloale r 01 maS1 H cyhnde lor jghllrOnl b e TOOl 10 01d81 seal assembly on floater of rea and lell ronl bral e m sle cylinder TOOl clamp ring assemblmg on A H b ake mare...

Страница 34: ...Wal 01 t lulcl snail bearing IllIler race Pulle rolle bell lng 10f mainshalt I box and clutch sh 1t on COVi r Puller outer ace 01 oller bea ing Puller clutch shall bearing in boll and laysnaJi on cov...

Страница 35: ...n 1891 24 SO I in tog 35 ana lignlly tansloo Ihe sld81l 36 9 Di Connact all lhe angina gearIl0x rramll connec tions Unhoo the speado cable rom the drive on the gearbOx cover Unsc ew Iha v count r cab...

Страница 36: turning Fit 1001 N t2 90 65 00 28 in lig 37 lor centering the plates on the c ankshalt UsIng w ench A undo lhe hub securing sc ews 10 the lIywheel Undo Ihe 3 stator retaining screws Undo Ihe screw...

Страница 37: ...lywheel etai nlng bolts to the crankshall Remove the tool and the Tlywheel Using pin pOinted plie s N 2690 78 00 11 in tig 42 xtr c the piston pins anb emove the pi ton5 Remove oit sump C trom the c a...

Страница 38: ...39...

Страница 39: ...the toolj lightly lap Ihe 1001 on lap 10 break away Ihe COllets lrom Ihe lap collar Now screw in he 001 until Ihe collets can be drawn out Remove the tool At this s alia Ihe lollowino can De drewn ut...

Страница 40: ...lg 45 Negative allowance between cylindllr h ad and val ve guide lIhould be comprised 0 OO 075 rol 1_ X129 v GUlor Inlet 8 000 8 022 mitt 3144 31581 1 12 5 VALVE SEATS enange Ihe valll8 sealS II pille...

Страница 41: ...405 1 417 1 W tully stretched Ihe spring should 1lfI fun 01 1 1 75mm 039 068 b lo e the ouler p i 9 eompfes es lully 12 INSPECTING THE VALVE SPRINGS f Hg 48 Ensure the sp in jls are noi ttl load Spro...

Страница 42: ...1 1 lorgel 10 fil seals E 00 the short uds alter lining the cylinde base gaskeL l2 1 1 REFITTING THE CYLINDER HEADS ON THE t y jNDERS n i i I g these see Jw enSUfe lhat tt oubrlc lon hole in Ihe cyli...

Страница 43: ...6 1_01 3 6 3 65r n u emM I me m enl I m a u em 1Fi I p t C roi S a elec on 4 5 mm seleeliO 87 920 a 929 mm I 3_ 1 4 34617 1 1 Sele Hon 9 87 929 67 935mm 3 4617 3 462 h e 1 0 be Che wl n II e Select n...

Страница 44: ...d with If the clearance exceeds Ihe indicaled Iim ls it is necessary to change cylinders and pislons Fo proper engine balanCinQ the piston should be ot same weight Maximum p mlnible diffo nc is 1 S gr...

Страница 45: ...should measured al 24 5 m 964 rom the piSl 00 basp aocl 00 ao 0 la900al plaoe 10 the pisl0n pin axis S lig 50 and drawiog ig 51 FltUng the PiSIO 00 the contod To do Ihis II is ne essary to pre heal t...

Страница 46: ...he con ods heek tho lollowing Condition 0 the small end bushings il bush piston pin clearance weight of conrods par llelism 01 axis big end bearings T bill end bearings are 01 thin w 1I type In anll I...

Страница 47: ...1 543 mm 06074 1 670 mm 06574 _SIANCO_ while con rods A marked AZZURRO have 10 be ma1cMd with c ankshaHs S marked AZZURRO Smell e bushing II when pressed in its inner surlace should show Ifeces 01 de...

Страница 48: ...big end axiS as measured al a di III l ce 01 200 mm 7 876 1 should be 1 0 1 0000 flg 00 12 16 FITTING THE CON RODS ON CRANKSHAFT Bearing crank pin clearance on assembly goes from a minimum 01 0 050 mm...

Страница 49: ...e crank see lig 56 66 67 ano dImenSIon 0 3wOOO fog 63 SO as 10 decloe me oew I amell f mk 9 Into account 11 Available sIzes and Ihe necessary c ll an OrigInal clearances On assembly Me Ma journal be n...

Страница 50: ...L ________________________________________ 51...

Страница 51: ...e that tne mark On the shaH sei arrow _A Is in 11I Ie with Ihe TOe mark on the ilywheei see arrow S lig 68 1 F I Ihe flywheel USinlllool N 1291 1801 21 1 1 41 and lignten 10 a load selMg 01 4 2 kg 30...

Страница 52: ......

Страница 53: also that the tappel seats are undamaged It 0 feam Out with a drift l ig 74 10 1st or 2nd undersi l as specified In th table 12 24 CHECKING OIL LEAKAGES FROM THE CRANKCASE _ FLANGE DIlIVE SIDE In c...

Страница 54: ...o end engine 90th the bot1om bolts seeuflOll the Ilange dri e side to lhe crankcase and the t tealhor t ne cap ICraw BrB dry II o ted piece some Telton tape on the Ihreaded pari 01 the bolts The bOlto...

Страница 55: ...1 2 50 0019 8686 8670 O I Omm 22 121 22 100 0039 8708 8700 OJ O OF TAP Ts FlTTI ClE NCE 2 996 21 978 mm 0 1 14 0043 mrr 8659 8647 0001 1 I 22 043 22 028 0 004 0 043 mm 8678 b639 000l5 oo169 22 1J96 22...

Страница 56: ...on the engine and 10 t ce a line on the crankcase I om the cenler 0 1 the Inspection hate check that the rel ence ma h on gear A lig 80 camshan driving and en gine drive p n on a e perlectly loned up...

Страница 57: ...Ihal by looking through the inspechon hole In the gearbox the small 5 marl is in line wilh lhe mar Slamped at the center 01 the Inspechon hole 1 At thIS stage line up the p lrnt at the arrow with the...

Страница 58: ...I 80 2...

Страница 59: ...pump hou ings in the body i no more an 6 J4 26 390 mm 1 03 1 0389 Also Ihe 0 10 of the oller bearing raCe Durkopp Nal 10 X 2 X 20 ShOut be itt in 21 989 22 mm 8657 8662 and hou m9 0 10 in the PlJmp b...

Страница 60: ...32 1 075 5s 3 5 10 1U 0 11 SUMP fig 82 3 T1 8 tollowing are fitled on 011 ump c _A_ removable tiller cartridge e magnelic drain plug _0 wire puze filler _e 011 pressure reliet yalve P d 21 _ 22 002 lI...

Страница 61: C and is elained by a small bolt With lockplale When Changing the carl dge it is well to clean alSO Ihis tiller 2nd to drv it oft with compressed air 14 5 OIL PRESSuRE RELlEF VALVE fi9 82 3 ThiS va...

Страница 62: ...e tool opening ensuring Ihat the TESTER nHdle m s when Ihe p essu e reaches a value 01 0 15 0 15 kg sqc m 14 1 CHECkiNG THE OIL PRESSURE WITH THE ENGINE ON THE BYKE P oeeed IS follows Dlaconnec t II e...

Страница 63: ...s Ie Iowa Remove Ihe 10 1I0at chamber Till tile ea l ur Uor o er w l o chamber so hilt the rloat needle closes the ruel rlow Place lemplate 14926900 19 in fig 35 on l he carburettor lace who e the ch...

Страница 64: ...BURATJON WITH A VACUOMETER lig 85 I Chock Ihal bolh startc r cables r w aboul 3mm _ 118 idle I In a te mcr entry Ug 83 This play Is adJllsted by looSllnlng nu _i amI screwing in or out SCrews H_ see I...

Страница 65: Ic e washers 15 Throttle valve cover IS ThrotJle valve cove glS el 17 Thronte valve pring 18 Tape ne dle lip 19 ThroW valvo 2 1 Tape needlft v_ type 21 lockring clip 22 Clip 23 In5ulal 09 rubber 2...

Страница 66: ...ainlng Sirap and emove Ihe lank alter clOSIng the lapS and DI connecling Ine tve lines Disconne batlary cables unhook battery straps nd hit battery up trom its bracket Unhook spring relainars E nO lIh...

Страница 67: ...lng tig 89 EMu e all sp ings ara Mill eUieient and have not lost their toad Spring compressed to 20mm 7874 should give a toad of 21 21 5 kg 46 47 Ibs Spling compre s d to 17 mm 787 should give a toad...

Страница 68: ...Check if s1l11 in good stale and not hardened or crumbled It is poss ble tllal squeaks Or oil leakages in tile dulch plate may depend rom Ihese bushe Pre url pl le ad 1 worn delo med o become 110 1 p...

Страница 69: ...lue operating levPr f om gear t c 1a ing ourlhe splil p ns and a 9 spindle move leve elum spong oulcr body m owo 1 bearing nn Iu lcn bodv nd Ihe eI n oper lrnq od Removal or gea bo CoY r TO I ke Ih S...

Страница 70: ...ecuring screws and take oul the neu t al indicator solenoid from its housing in the gear bo Slip off the gear selector d um complete with rod paying particular attention 10 the position 01 the shims l...

Страница 71: ...0 Ille S I belween bod1 and bOaring_ Slide oft the clutch shell rom the bearing and l necessary use a hide matlet 10 lightly tcp it making sure not to mIslay Ihe oil scoop belween shalt alO bea ng and...

Страница 72: ...lhe IKtor mbly USIng hide mallet lap of Ihe selKIOI unil from the gearbox cover Remove the Iurn spring from the sefe clor pin AliI undolng the lOCknut Irom the c o er e nO fe lhe seleCtor edjuSlrng Ie...

Страница 73: ...ei 110 11195 IS be st to change Ihem n ure ped ct ghln Ba ll and roller be Ch ec their condj ion and make S they ale nOI loa Slac k in Iheir hOUSIngs All roll n9 surlaces balls andl or rolie s should...

Страница 74: ...Ihe rage is nOI scored nr nicked Replace Ihe bushirlg il riot per leelly mooth Roller e g lor 111 2nd 3rd and 4 11 1 d gu on IrSh 1I Enwre tnal a s In the cages are In guod co dition or else I ce th c...

Страница 75: ...1 Is still el1ic ent and not deformed When compressed 10 37 mm 1 45 1 load should be 190 kg 3 8 Ibs Coupling Iuve on clUICh hll Check moolhn s of th e internal splines and wear at th n j3glng 1 01J gu...

Страница 76: ...lipping 5 011 seeping through the O rlng In COver and H le Ior spindle Check the eUiciency 01 this seal II Cfumbled or has lost ilS elasticity replace it 6 011 leahge b twn n th thrust bearing carryin...

Страница 77: ...lig 1 9 AII lr p lssing lhe b la ings inlO Ine housings t l oye lhem to est lor abOul 12 1 0urs to altow lI e Locl e compound 10 dry up complelely before prOCef dong wilh re assemDling Ihe othe gea b...

Страница 78: ...The selecl0 shall se 1 has 10 be Inse ted In its hous_ inll 00 Ihe gea bc cove r A ig Il l fittlnv Ih eclO IHmbly in g bo 0 1 _A lig 111 1 Fil spring A_ on the selecto spindle al shown In lig li ll i...

Страница 79: ...12 The shims e lin belween the gearbox bearing and Ihe Ihrowoul bearing A te s himmIng pless the oIler bal ing Iee on lhe shall USIng IOOllHlrl N 17945460 32 in fig lt3 Before assembling Ihil it is ne...

Страница 80: ...down end facing tno 3rd peed gea the compk Hl rolier cage on bushing 4th speed gear ensuring the Iront engag ng dogs lace the slidinll sleeve Joe e 101 engaging lSI and 2nd speed gear bushing lor low...

Страница 81: ...ength 01 Ihe dul Ch aSsembly lowe than 0 2 0 3 mm 007f1 0118 lhe D ou5Iy measured t acklaSh IntrOduce nOw t e comptele drum assembly ih Ih box and iii The low 2nd 3rd nt I Ih speet seteclof forks on I...

Страница 82: ...e 01 the 6 inner grooves of Ihe bush Fit high speed engaging sleeve wilh seledOt lark on the shalt then the lark on Ihe rod inserlong the fork linger in 1M groove on Ihe sptlned drum NB In Ie assembli...

Страница 83: ...ilh a chisel In correspondence of the shalt groove to loc il com pletely Tighten Ihe cover Sltcurlng screws and emove the 1001 previOUsly lined on the selector shaft Insert the Ope sUng lever in the 5...

Страница 84: ...e complete goa oo_ with shatt and gaa s on the engine group TO assemble tile gearbox on Ille engine proceed as followS Fil ll1e gea box on the stud bon 01 tile engine taking c re thlt the clulch Inner...

Страница 85: ...log t From the box remove spacer 0 I P rolle be ing _0 _ Remove the oule olie bea ng ace J J 12906900 15 n 1 9 123 Houl ing compon nll To remo e 1he nUl ecu ing Ihe p nlon 10 Ine h ou ing use 1001 12...

Страница 86: ...87...

Страница 87: ...1 2 1 3 mm 031 035 039 04J 47 05n Ensure the union laces are nol sCo ed Or niCked Intem r loolhed spindlot l or wheel coupLing En li re the surface supporting the ball beanngs Is _ Jltless and dead Sn...

Страница 88: ...nOI 100 Iack or has ha dened xcessiveI1 II necesSIty replace the joint Gan r r lnlng bands Check ror cracks Or f they have 10 1 its etastic ty Re place if ecesssry a 1 plnion c ow wheet Iacllon Ensu e...

Страница 89: N 17 94 51 50 53 in lig 1 8 90 Houl ln g I nd Its components Assemble these reversing the dismantling sequence t 1suring that if no parts have been changed the number of shims between spacer and b...

Страница 90: ...tly lined up Remember to Iii seal _E betwOOf1 hOUSIng and drive box Fitting the cove on drive bos fig t32 Proceed as lollows Position gasket A on the box liT shim _B_ and then the other gasket A payin...

Страница 91: ...din Ihe Crown in such way Ihat the rOlation leaves a contact trace on tha painled section or Ihe crown ge r DiUerent size shims a li available 1o this adju stment Checking the c rown_pinion c leafance...

Страница 92: ...og Ihe bo On the R H a of the Ing lork Fit 11 111 wheel spindle space in Ihe bo_ Aller lining Ihe sleeve and spina on the pInion position Ihe seal on hOUSing G Iig 1311 and p llle rea drive 1 0 comple...

Страница 93: ...e Afte an accident the Irame should always be che cked over tor deformallons cracks etc againsr Ihe S 7es indicated in drawing page 135 B Cenler sland relurn spring Ensure i1 has not lost ilS elasl ci...

Страница 94: ......

Страница 95: ...p lsitions uSing the wrench supptied in tile loot kit In case 01 improper dampo oporOtion they shoulo l be eturned 10 the manufacturars 10 overhauling see drawing lig 136 VIClOO as and Hg 138 1 1 00...

Страница 96: ...75 Lenglh under a load of 145 kg 320 Ibs tIould be 168 mm 6 61 Length uode a load 01 232 kg SI D Ib sMuld be 135 mill 5 31 If any sprlr g has deformed or is not within he abo e limits eplace mm 27 Po...

Страница 97: ...G Undo nul _H and lake oul bea ng eo co 1 when Ihe Ior io complele w rh Slee ng lube can be IiUed up make sure nol 10 r rop I e bOltom lo k cove s Dismaniling Ih lo k coy r wllh od and dampe I om Ih...

Страница 98: ...Ie retaining Slay lubes Springs lowe Spacers Top spdngs Fork shwves Bottom yoke Inspections Ensure It the ch cd Jc l ion 01 the fOf roo whIch slides in the ollom cover is in good condl tion and free...

Страница 99: ...1 mm 7 61r 1 J 0 0 r I I I 1 1 I 0 31 C __ I I I I I I T II I V 1000 GS 230 mm 9_05 100...

Страница 100: ...Lf 0 1 1 I I 1 r U c 0 I I I I I j I I I I I I L Ii I I I L I 1 i I I 1150 mm 8 2981 ZlO mm 9 D i5 1000 SP 10...

Страница 101: ...Fle embllng Il Ie dampe l wJth rods Ind Iprlngs the lork ova Iig 147 j Ensure Ihal Iht WO IO ls on Iha nnflr pawls lfe a proper Iii on l ush _ _ Md thlt Ihe nuler pawl _S 01 Ih s bushing il a prope hi...

Страница 102: ...of the bearinq housings and smoothness 01 the union faces to the d ive box lIeck sizes d awing fig 148 22 2 REMOVING THE BEARINGS FROM THE SWINGS FORK Use pulle N 18927250 55 in fig 149 to emove the c...

Страница 103: ...4 PRESSING THE BEAR INGS INTO THE R H ARM OF THE SWING FORK Press Ih s bearing in using punch 17 94 53 60 31 in fig 152 22 5 ADJUSTING THE SWING ARM PLAY fig 153 Ensure the swing lo oscillates eely wi...

Страница 104: ...l heel hllb Iig ISS Operate as l ollows Undo nllts 1 on 100 braking dISc secmlng screws to lIb 3_ 1nd l ake 0 1sCrews 2 and spacer _7 Remove belh draka disc spar ing lIanges 4 and Irom lIeM remove bea...

Страница 105: lig 35 under the engine loosen screws A securing Ihe hydraulic cali per 8 10 the lo k leg raise Ihe caliper wilh piping and pull il oul Irom the disc Undo nul and washer C on Ihe wheel spindle and...

Страница 106: ...EAR WHEEL V 1000 G S Removing th r r wheel Irom Ih wing 10 11 arm a nd d I box fllO 159 ProcP l d as lollow Undo lhe boll secl I ng lhe L H mutller 10 In tram remove clIp nd hll m1 l1113 f m It II p h...

Страница 107: ...equence ensuring caliper plate E Iig 159 is inserted in the swing arm lug I 23 4 REAR WHEEL 1000 SP Removal lig 161 i Proceed as lollows Set the vehIcle up on the cenler Sland Loosen spindle securing...

Страница 108: ...Ihal Irom the hub been removed Ihe c sh drive blocks are ed or ha nol cr mbl dened 5 ndamaged I ar ng plaia the nOl deformed _ Ih lIange s od cond lIon I SShilongCl d lhe gaske are undamage on Circlip...

Страница 109: ...ration Under the cirCllln5tances neYII usa tOOls Ih l ha ribbings or sharp dges on the sid COntacting the rim The cOnlacting surlacs 01 lIch lOOting ha 10 be very wide smooill and wilh rounded edg The...

Страница 110: ...mpletely ope e pedal e etc Keep pedal 8 lully pressed down etc Checking the braka Id leval and changing Ihe braka lluld n ru vol Iig 165 166 Moo l v 1000 G FOr etlieient br ke operation the tollowlng...

Страница 111: ...16SI1L_ ___________ ___ ___...

Страница 112: ...and relil ub be caps Mv on Ihe drain plug the air bleeding ope ation has been ca ea 001 corteclly Ihe elticoency 01 he aking ac ion will be mmeaiately lel1 alter Ihe initial movemenl 01 Ie 1 J r S n n...

Страница 113: ...Iuid level fo 1 1e leU Ironi and rear brake re servoir is indicated by a warni ng lig II 10 1 1 fig III on Ihe panel hich is connected to solenoid H on the PI g see fig 169 To top up tn reservoir t s...

Страница 114: ...I on 5 Retiiove conlfol leve I om body 2_ he undo If nu 17 w she s _10 nd Ih 0 screw 15 0_ G InMrt to O 14 9264 00 4 1n lin 17 1 InlO the 1IlIId llau le nd by 1i9h1ly I ppin l wllh mallal pUSh floalar...

Страница 115: and ruDber parts with brake lIuld or rl ommend d grelse N n at oit 0 g 23 12 MASTER CYliNDER FDR LEFT FRONT AND REAR BRAKES lig 113 It is eanl all localed on the R I side 01 Ih v lllel Remove Ihe R...

Страница 116: ...mallet taking care nOI 10 score or scratch the hole walls or the outer surlace at the lloater _5_ 1 From floater 5 lemo e scraper Ing 9 lockring S_ and lip seal _7_ From lhe other side remO e toroida...

Страница 117: ...he 2 pislons acl directly on Ihe 2 pads which are secured by 2 pins 10 Taper pin 12 pressed by spring _11_ p llllents pad Ilapping and makes d isc selling easier aller braking 1 Cove _13_ elastically...

Страница 118: ...rk members pad hausin Remove 5 II COV9 S prong and Separale both half pIns and take out pads 6 Remove d calipers body_ uSI guard cap I Om the leak 7 Romo I mg caliper sed aor jet p t from caliper II u...

Страница 119: ...13 Join the Iwo caliper bodies laking care Iha Ihe gasket is prop fly lodged in ilS housing Tighten Ihe screws 10 a torque wrench load of 4 4 5 kgm 29 33 Ibs t J 1 ReasS mble c alipe on lork member s...

Страница 120: ...stuck 10 disc No play at Conllol _ Poor b aklng Oily or greasy disc Excessl ely worn Or itr ified pads Oily or greasy pads Jammed pistons allk locks Friction coeltielent 01 pads 100 high High disc oxi...

Страница 121: ...uil For inSlance il may OCCur Inal the master cylinder scriJper wilh COnlaC with g1l50lioe Or die sel 011 1 melt and glues to the floater a lecting its sliding aCllon 22 Clean pad housing in caliper c...

Страница 122: ...ston 10 come OUI 01 II t ou ing by 6 mm 15 231 elu n tiM piatofl to its o gifl POSiUOII avoiding damages to It its rubber parts and the disc elit Ihe pad p ex eed likewise 10f the other pad ope te as...

Страница 123: ...and keep I up with od _9 u hoo wboa band C re nove 11 01 bo 0 Pulling n w dry b nery In Ic Remove sealing lape and plligs Introduce pure sulpl ic acid lor ballery willi a cil c gravity 01 1 26 kg l a...

Страница 124: ...ding comp to tamperalure All readi s should be brou hl down 10 Ihe standard temperature 01 25 C 77 Fl Fo each tcr C SO F liffare ce it is ne essary 1 0 add or datract 7 g i l In oma 10 Dring the re lo...

Страница 125: ...4A 20 Amp l000 pm 10 000 rpm Clock ise 0 06 mm 0023 3 4 Ohms 10 10 0 36 Ohms lrY l o AX R 1 300 rpm QA 2 100 rpm 7 IQ rpm When Ihe panel lighl indicates an irregularity in the c argl g syl err an a tu...

Страница 126: ...l zed and the ohmmete nMdte will move sud denly in the rS1 Ihird of the dial scale By reversing the said conlilets Ihe diode de energ1 and the needle tl 10 In le9ard to the ohms values see pictures 18...

Страница 127: ...charged Obstruction Or reduced voltage in Cha Remove obstruction Or reduced voltage cause ging circuit Detective batlery Replace battery Detectrve alternator Have alternator repaired in a competent s...

Страница 128: ...lip rings direct cur Have ellernator repaired in qua ifi ed shop rent in conductor DF or in rotor winding G n tor light I lighted on engine opped but park or c a k_ on running engine Contact resistanc...

Страница 129: ...rated When the starl circuit closes Ihe propelling winding is shorted and the only force 01 the holdir winding is suNicient 10 energil e jfie relo Iit the starl contact s opened again Under lhe actio...

Страница 130: ...and the engine ttywheet I tte tM engaqf monl hn occu ed and dIS connllcts IS soon IS Ihe engine lev g 1 nighar Ihln the 11 ler molor speed Engl lMnt The pinion wheei cOl pling p rocess occu In two sla...

Страница 131: ...forcicly coupled with Ihe rotor shalt th OlIgh the free wheel and tha an trainer Tha IItllrler molor can now spin the engi fig 188 8 When l tarling the tngll l8 rotatel laster than the I tlrler motor...

Страница 132: ...ature h 1I by the driving device enlral ner TI II particular set up ollars Ihe advantage 01 allowing the use 01 a small size pinion nd also Il Ie starling torque when the engine axcaads a certain numb...

Страница 133: ...and connected 2nd _ The rotor turns bul Itoe pinion doe nol engage CAUSE REI IEOV Pinion earlier sluck Ctean calfier and lightly tUbricate it Pinion or crown deformed because of crashes File 011 burrs...

Страница 134: ...dle on which Ih l specially prolonged pin II Mus eturn is oblal ned by Ihe aid 01 spiral springs l Iooked 10 the s in dIes and their resl pOSition is also determined by the pin on reaehing the sial In...

Страница 135: ...k Should be regular Crilical length of spark can defined as he spark gap distance a1 which OnC starts 10 nOle no spa king PerlaraHon tes t the temperature 01 2 1 C enSure the coil slands up 10 a tensi...

Страница 136: ...oln 01 lhe A I nde re l cabl 10 1 S lge In Ihe hole introduce the gea and engage II with the worm gear on the Cl llhar Arter Ih r te o e pr c edlng wllh liming the ignition proYislonelly lit up the br...

Страница 137: ...r fig 193 1 Secure the breaker cable grean 10 leed clamp A 01 lester 8 9 II Ihe tester needle does not ove to the pre determmed position it is necessary to slacken screws N ane 0 Iig 9211 and with a s...

Страница 138: ...amic si aligned wilh the mark on lhe inspection hole rim at 6000 6200 rpm fig 192 PoinlS 1 2 4 in the p evious chapte for lhe dghl cylinder sHil apply Points 3 and 5 are changed as tallows 3 Connect s...

Страница 139: ...Ill7 _1...

Страница 140: ...ll IIglII number plale 1 9 111 and IUIn signal IigMa do not scra in 100 riglllly to avoid br ak tlp Ih lef ec e In trume nt p nel taclMl and w c extnllr Ta ke extl bulb IIoIOers Irom panel IKllometer...

Страница 141: ...Turn signals 21 W Panel indicato s 12W Tachomclfl d e counter w VOllmetcrc W Clock 3W ft JC l le horns The horns circuit includes hi9h pitctltd lone horn low pilched lone ham ground on Irame Horn 1 ll...

Страница 142: ...R r brllke switch BlIU Y Aeguilltor R ctili r Alle nlllor Sblr1er motor rellY Shlfler mOIOr Turn indicatot light rear lelt 21 WI Reat stop light 21 W 21 W 27 Numbat plale light S W S W 21 Tutn indicl...

Страница 143: ...o WM 8 1 0 V _ 0_ VI 0 0 _...

Страница 144: ......

Страница 145: might be an allcess of luel which is ejected by the carburettors si milarly as occurs on sporting cars Ihal fil same type Csrbulellors It is obvioull thaI if in such conditio s the engine backfires...

Страница 146: ...signal controls 27 4 Engine starting and slopping buttons 21 5 Fuel filler cap 27 6 Saddla lifting dellice 28 1 Cylinders 28 2 PiSlons 28 3 Filling the piSlon on con rod 28 4 PISlon pin piston hole cl...

Страница 147: 34 3 1911ition tim ing tilted adval1ce 10 34 4 Checkil1g igl1itiOn advance lilted automatic uSing a strob tight 4 _ 1 nit on data 35 1 Replacing the lamps 35 2 lamps 35 3 Headlighl beam adjustment...

Страница 148: ...fixed 8 automatic advance 26 lotal advance 34 contact breaker pOints gap 0 37 0 43 mm 014 017 spa r plug tyrp Bosch W no T 30 Champion N 9 Y L dge 2 HL IY spark plug o oints gap 0 5 mm 019 ignition c...

Страница 149: ...rnalively fO comply with the dillerem standards in each counlrr I l ydral lic disc Iwin braking cylinders caliper _ hand controlled from Ihe R H side handlebar hydraulic circuil independent from rear...

Страница 150: ...l Lell front brake rear brake pedal Front loot rest Master cytlroder lor tell front and rear brake 11 Saddle lilting lever Rear fool resl Headlight Panel board 15 Aev counter 16 Clutch lever 17 Clock...

Страница 151: ...tain number of rev 9 Warning light red all pressure in licator Goes out when pressure IS slllllclent for nor mal engine lubrication 11 not the pressure IS Incorrec t and the engine has to be stop ped...

Страница 152: ...side of the handlebar With mark A on the key In line with mark C on the panel see fig 207 the machine Is ready to be started To start the engine proceed as follows ensure switch _B is in Osition _ pu...

Страница 153: ...13 000 U OII l 1U1 J l H...

Страница 154: ...mum 0 030 mm 0011 ma imum 0 054 mm 0021 ff CHECKING WEIGHT FOR ENGINE BALANCING The con rod complete with nuts and bolts should bo Of same weight Max permiSSible difference 3 grams The crankshaft is s...

Страница 155: starler lever in position B here is about 3 mm play f IB between the starter cable ends and adjusting screws E for both carburelfofS 2 Ensure that fiith the throllie grip lully closed Ihere is a pl...

Страница 156: ...nds and cable adjusters E lat Ine han jlebar end Ihe e is clearance of 1 1 5 mm 1 039 059 for both cerburettors J nOI loosen counlemuts F and screw in oul adjusting screws E nOI OrYt tlOl u tlghten nu...

Страница 157: ......

Страница 158: ...le adjuster 37 Starter cable cap 38 Starter cover screw 19 Slarter cover 40 Cover gasket 41 Starter valve retum spring 42 Starter valve 43 Idle adjuster washer 44 Washer Ilat 45 Idle adjusting screw s...

Страница 159: ...RICAL EQUIPMENT see chapter 24 34 1 BATTERY see para 24 1 The battery is a 12 V type with a 20Ah capacity on request a 12 V 32 Ah battery can be made available 34 2 SPARK PLUG RECOMMENOATIONS Bosch W2...

Страница 160: ...l igh en 10 pmvenl breakages Panel tachometer rev counter voltmeter and clock Ughts emove the bulbholders and replace ole bulbs 35 2 LAMPS t2 V Headlight i nd ow beam own orlving J r 9arKIng ght Tail...

Страница 161: ...ay 18 Rear brake switch 19 Battery 20 Regulator 21 Rectifier 22 Alternator 23 Starter motor relay 24 Starter motor 2S Tum signal rear reft 21 W butb 26 Stop light 21 W 21 W 27 Number plate and parking...

Страница 162: ...IGNITION lilY _lION 1 NO C 2 All c_ IN 3 ConlKI Mot_at 11 0 O ly pOS 1 POS 2 POS 3 r l R L 0 r r J il e 1 J I l I D1 t i il z F 1 tz l I I1Il I Il C p...

Страница 163: ...A W HOR R TlJR r o L fih rc M L c Ri r N N HL R1R R r VI N Iblukl G 8110 I V _ 1 R _ I I I l0 l 1 _1 VI v 1 1 10 UO k A _ no o onge _ _ own II _ Gil I4l _ re eN _ _ c j liN _ _ C I N _ I kl l iN _ __...

Страница 164: ...Warning light neutral pOSition 21 Warning light left turn signal 1 2W bulb 22 Switch for simul1aneans switch on 01 all lIashers 23 Front right turn tight 21 W bulb 24 Front leU turn light 21 W butb 2...

Страница 165: ...accordingly cannot be circulated on open l03ds WI only on closed traCks 31 1 THIS I IT PART N 14210041 CAN BE SUPPUEO ON REQUEST AND CONSISTS OF Cf 9 7 H 5C TI on i 14 2 t 1J5 O Ma in h alt Z 24 22 2...

Страница 166: ...joint 143280 40 and sleeve 183277 00 2 7 33 ratio 4 714 part n 17354550 to be mounted with dO Jble cardan joint 1732 60 50 and sleeve 123277 00 3 8 33 ratio 4 125 part n 14354640 to be mounted with d...

Страница 167: ...77 16 194 21 f _ _ 8 33 110 25 140 49 168 60 202 38 221 94 _ _ 34 120 36 153 40 184 08 220 96 242 32 OVERALL GEAR RATIOS wilh Iransml lon gear of clulch shaft Z t6 pari n 1421 11 40 r BEVEl GE oA Sf 0...

Страница 168: ...nsmission gear of clutch 51 3 4 17 part n 14211141 l EC H s T _ fI 6 32 5 333 1t 2t5 8 71 4 6 901 5 749 5 242 7 33 4 71 4 9 914 7 103 6 10 5 06 8 33 4 125 8 675 6 740 5 4 447 4 055 9 34 3 778 7 945 6...

Страница 169: ...4 714 10 531 8 168 6 482 5 398 4 926 _ 8 33 4 125 9 215 7 165 5 672 4 725 4 311 _ 9 34 3 778 0 6 562 5 195 4 326 3 _ THEORETICAL SPEEDS AT 7 500 R P M rear lyre clevelopmenl mm 2 020 BE E GEA SET 6 32...

Страница 170: ...41 E hauSl pipes 14 1230 41 Righi silencer 14122941 Lell silencor 14123941 Silencer cOnnecling tube 98052390 Screw flange securing 98 62 03 55 Screw flange securing This conversion I completed by lIar...

Страница 171: ...ADDITIONS AND CHANGES FOR 850 T 3 MODEl...

Страница 172: ...ebar left Primary drive via the gearbo Ratio 1 1 235 Z 17 21 Gear box Five speeds Irontal engagement constant mesh gears Cush drive incorporated Pedal controlled Irom left side of the motor cycle Rati...

Страница 173: ...clearance Curb weight PERFORMANCES m 1 060 m O ISO kg 243 Maximum speed in eaCh gear solo riding Gears Speed tow gear km h 71 837 second gear km h 103 502 third gear IIm h 137 339 fourth gear km h 165...

Страница 174: coupling pray mm 0 006 10 II mm 0 004 negative clearance of REMOVAL OF PIN FROM PISTON Aller removal of cirClips use 1001 n 13907660 57 in fig 181 to slide pin oul of piston and con rod small end...

Страница 175: ...strokes screw in Screw D 01 the cylinder causing the engine liring less than 5 6 strokes 6 Adjust idling speed 10 9OO tOOO r_ p m by screwing In or out In the same quantity screws 0 7 After closing t...

Страница 176: ...ould pressure be higher than calibrated this valve opens and bring pressure Into fj ed limits CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL Every SOO km Check oil level in the oil sump level almost at max mark on the dipsti...

Страница 177: ...nk case lhis may be caused by the following 5 Oil leaking through the seal ring mOlJnted on the crankcase flange flywheel side check ring resilience and wear if worn out Inspecl the crankShaft surface...

Страница 178: ...voir A on the right handlebar for the right front brake and under the right battery cover lor both feft front and rear brakes it has never to be lower than a mm under maximum level periodically top up...

Страница 179: ...hed down ADJUSTING THE CONTROL PEDAL FOR REAR AND LEFT FRONT BRAKES See lig 203 lit a leeler gallgo between floatllr In master cylinder and teYllr end G then get the co rect play 01 mm 0 05 0 15 b act...

Страница 180: ...the wheel and Check its truIng II ne cessary act on right or lell spokes until the wheel turns properly This checking has to be carried out after the lirst 500 km 300 miles and laler on every 1500 km...

Страница 181: ...3mely 2 instead of 13 CHECKING THE IGNITION ADVANCE FIXED AND AlJTOMATIC BY MEANS OF A STROBOSCOPE LAMP See fig 64 and diagram fig 188 Ignition data fixed advance automatic advance full advance fixed...

Страница 182: ...on the handlebar 4 positions 1 OFF Lights off 02 PARK Parking light USA Town driving light Europe 3 L Low beam 4 H High beam 5 To come back to position OFF press the bullon towards Ihe lelts HORN FLA...

Страница 183: ..._ D securing retlectors to signal lights push bulbs inwards and lurn them to lhe lell at the same time then slip them ofl By re fitting of refleclors screw in uniformly do not lock screws too much 10...

Страница 184: ...rlk lap light cutout I B nlry 12 V 32Al xl A gul to 21 11 11 11 w once _ v_ e _ c v v_ Ar_Io 0 _ o GI U Yo _ IO_ v _ odt __ _ C oIIojNoo YooI llodt 0 _ Critlo IIoooo Gowfl_ fig 213 Z2 AllOIm o 1 V 20...

Страница 185: the headlight beam has always to be set at a corrent height For horinzontal selling act on screw A For vertical seiling undo connections E and shift Ihe headlight by hand up or down In order to get...


Страница 187: ...trols also the flashing of warning lights _ 2 Md 3 14 Odometer rese CONTROL BUTTONS FOR RADIO SIRENE AND ADDITIONAL LIGHTS fig 215 Th gr up is mounted on l Ie right hanclJehlw _ Radio control bulton w...

Страница 188: ...lion culout 33 Te minal block wilh lusas 16 A ruses M 3 way CQnneclo CQlOIIs If ClJfD _ a O o _ Gt_ vr vrol 0 0 R _ 1 1f _ v _ I _ N IN_ eluola u VOoSo N Gtt loct I IN _ _ 0 0 V I I C I Gt GIl I Grol...


Страница 190: ...switch controls also the lashing of warning lights 2 al ld 3 14 Odometer reset CONTROL BUTTONS FOR RADIO SIRENE AND RED LIGHTS fig 215 1 ThiS group is mounted on the right hal ldlebar v 1 Radio contro...

Страница 191: ...l bloc wilh luses 16 0 us es 3 3 w COMe IOr O OQ ucu o N _ _ Wh v _ er G o o _ Go VIo Viol _ 0 _ _ R _ G v A rum _ _IH lI IWunofNo 1 JaI IIIN r 1 G lII 1 I11 oro jtl d GloIl V I C I _ 11 0 1_ G IA I 5...
