Setup for M400 / M600 / M800
Wire the speed output pulse into a digital input on the ECU. For the
calibration number, use one of the following:
9400 for km/h
15128 for mph
The maximum speed which can be measured on the ECU through the
digital input is 675 km/h or 420 mph.
Setup for ADL
The ADL does not offer full 32bit logging of GPS positional data. This
limitation prevents the ability to do positional track mapping. Under the
communications setup, select the template “GPS for ADL - RMC
GGA”. You’ll be able to log the following channels of information:
Recommended Logging Rates
Update Option: 10 Hz
20 Hz
GPS Speed
10 Hz
20 Hz
GPS Heading
10 Hz
20 Hz
GPS Altitude
10 Hz
10 Hz
GPS Sats Used
10 Hz
10 Hz
Fix Status (Obsolete) 10 Hz
10 Hz
Year, Month, Day
1 Hz
1 Hz
Minutes, Sec
10 Hz
10 Hz
Hundredths of Sec
10 Hz
10 Hz
Channels should be logged at their default rate or the rate at which they
You can optionally hook up the speed output pulse to a digital
input or speed input set to hall effect with a custom calibration. The
speed output pulse should be logged at 50 Hz. Use a general purpose
channel with 1 dps and rename it to “Speed Pulse”. The calibration
table will contain 2 rows as follows:
0 Hz = 0 mph
1933 Hz = 46 mph