Sega GameGear Capacitor Replacement Kit
V 1.6
Using a Capacitor Checker
While you can certainly change out every capacitor on the circuit board this is both a tiresome and
unnecessary action. While you might have heard or read otherwise on the internet if a capacitor is
working it does not need to be replaced if it is working within factory guidelines.
There are devices that allow you to check capacitors to determine if they are operating within
appropriate parameters. We use the CapAnalyzer 88A Series II. It is very simple and operator friendly;
however it does cost over $200. This is a great deal of money; although if you are doing regular
electronics work it is a great tool to add to your collection along with a voltmeter and oscilloscope.
There are many capacitor analyzers on the market, although most cost several hundred dollars. If you do
purchase one, we recommend getting one that can check capacitors in circuit. This allows you to check
them each capacitor without having to unsolder it.