The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
Model 85i-SS
Stainless Steel Drum Karrier
Operator’s Manual for Morse Model 85i-SS Stainless Steel Drum Karrier
Serial number 0218 to ____ (MMYY)
Copyright 2019 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc.
Form PL85i-SS (0218-____)
(Updated 18 Nov, 2019)
Operating Instructions
Start with Drum Karrier on the floor. Lower hoist and engage hoist hook to lift
Drum Karrier.
Raise hoist to lift Drum Karrier clear of floor and transport it to the drum.
Suspend Drum Karrier at a height which aligns drum saddle with center of
Swing both hinged bands to the open position. Push Drum Karrier against
drum so that drum holder (saddle) will encircle drum.
Secure the drum: Drape the web strap across the face of the drum.
- Thread strap through slot in ratchet.
- Operate ratchet to tighten strap around drum.
Either one of the two spring loaded plunger tilt-locks may be locked to hold
the drum upright. It is not necessary to lock both of them.
Raise hoist and position drum at pouring station.
Before unlocking the tilt-lock(s) to permit tilting the drum, it is recommended
that you steady the drum and be prepared for its possible tendency to tilt
toward its heavier side.
With tilt-locks unlocked, manually tilt the drum for pouring over the drum
band. The drum pouring angle may be varied or it can be locked in various
positions by one of the tilt-locks.
After emptying, rotate drum back to vertical position and lower hoist to return
the empty drum.
To remove drum: Squeeze the ratchet release lever and open all the way
to unlock. Then release the tension on the strap. Allow enough slack in the
strap in order to remove strap from ratchet. Swing both hinged bands to the
open position.
Lubricate ratchet, tilt locks, fulcrum shafts and other moving parts
periodically to maintain free action and reduce wear.
Periodically inspect all moving parts, framework and contact areas for signs
of wear, fatigue or loosening. Tighten, adjust or replace parts as necessary
to prevent failure and maintain proper function. The web strap should be
removed from service or replaced if any of the following are visible:
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the strap
Holes, tears, cuts, snags or embedded articles
Broken or worn stitching in load bearing splices
Excessive abrasive wear