The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
Model 285XMGR
Super-Duty Forklift-Karrier
with Spark Resistant Parts
operator’s Manual for
Morse Super-Duty Forklift-Karrier with Spark Resistant Parts - Model 285XMGR
Serial number 1212 to 0718 (MMYY)
Copyright 2018 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc.
Form PL285XMGR (1212-0718)
(Updated 24 Aug, 2018 10:59 AM)
Machine Description
The Model 285XMGR Super-Duty Forklift-Karrier is designed to lift, transport, and
dispense a ribbed 55-gallon steel drum 22.5” in diameter. The maximum full-drum capacity
is 2500 Lb. The capacity is derated to 1250 Lb. for a half-full drum. The half-full rating is
based on the tilt mechanism’s capacity for handling an unbalanced bottom-heavy drum.
Assembly Instructions
Remove the chain wheel components (items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 30, 31 and 32) from the small cardboard box packaged with the 285XMGR.
Insert 3/16 square key (item 6) into the key way on the input shaft of the speed reducer.
Slide triangle weld (item 3) onto speed reducer input shaft with the split washer facing inward as pictured in parts diagram. Slide split
collar (item 1) onto speed reducer input shaft and tighten both split collars.
Attach the chain wheel assembly onto the triangle weld (item 3) with the provided bolts, nuts and washers (items 30 - 32).
Install speed reducer oil vent plug and check oil level as shown in the speed reducer owners manual.
Prior to initial use, inspect all moving parts and test rotation of chain wheel and saddle assembly. Perform necessary load test,
inspections, operator training, etc.
Review the Material Safety Data Sheet(s) for the material(s) in the drum(s) and take all necessary precautions. Safety shoes, work
gloves, hard hat and other personal protective devices are recommended.
Please read all instructions thoroughly before attempting to operate your new Morse drum handler.
The model 285XMGR has a maximum capacity rating of 2500 Lb. full drum and 1250 Lb. half-full drum and is designed to lift,
move and pour a 55-gallon steel drum. DO NOT exceed these ratings. Exceeding these ratings or handling drums other than those
mentioned above is unsafe and could result in equipment damage, excessive wear or awkward handling.
When loading, unloading, operating, or maintaining your MORSE drum handler, always use care and good judgment. Maintain
secure footing and a firm hold. Keep hands and loose clothing away from all moving parts. Never allow anyone to be below any part
of a raised drum handler or drum. Read operating instructions and review the pictures in the sales brochure before operation.
Because the model 285XMGR is a front-end attachment for a forklift, OSHA recommends that “… the truck (forklift) be marked
to identify the attachment(s) and show the approximate weight of the truck and
attachment combination at maximum elevation with load laterally centered.” See
center of gravity dimensions of model 285XMGR on page 5 for calculating lost load on
your equipment.
Prior to initial use, inspect all moving parts and test rotation of chain wheel and saddle
assembly. Inspect saddle assembly for proper operation. Perform necessary load test,
inspections, operator training, etc.