The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
Model 185A-GR
Extra Heavy-Duty Kontrol-Karrier
Operator’s Manual for Morse Model 185A-GR Extra Heavy-Duty Kontrol-Karrier
Serial number 0619 to ____ (MMYY)
Copyright 2022 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc.
Form PL185A-GR (0619-____)
(Updated 25 Mar, 2022)
1. Periodically inspect all moving parts, framework, ratchet straps, and contact areas for signs of wear, fatigue, or
loosening. Perform all inspections, load tests, and maintenance according to the ANSI/ASME B30.20 standard.
2. Worn or damaged parts must be properly replaced with the correct, genuine Morse parts.
3. Ensure all labels are in place. Product labels should be inspected periodically and cleaned as necessary to maintain
good legibility. Please contact Morse Mfg. Co. for replacement labels.
4. Periodically inspect all moving parts, framework, ratchet, straps, fasteners and contact areas for signs of wear, fatigue,
or loosening. The web strap should be removed from service and replaced if any of the following are visible:
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the strap
Holes, tears, cuts, snags or embedded articles
Broken or worn stitching in load bearing splices
Excessive abrasive wear
Speed reducer has been filled with grease and tested prior to shipment. No maintenance is required.