Exhaust filter
Remove the exhaust filter grille
by pulling the locking tab
towards you
. Take the filter
out of the cage and shake
vigorously over a dustbin. The
filter may also be washed in
warm water. Do not use
detergents. The filter must be
completely dry before re-fitting.
Allow filters to air dry naturally.
Replace the filter and filter grille.
Always disconnect the cleaner
from the mains when checking
All filters should be checked
regularly for signs of damage,
preferably after each cleaning
task. The filters must be
replaced immediately if they
become damaged.
Always make sure all filters are
fitted before use, failure to do so
may result in damage to your
If the sound of the cleaner
changes slightly, clean the filters
and check for blockages.
Storage position
The vacuum cleaner can be
stored in an upright position.
Slide the storage hook
the floor nozzle into the slot on
the base of the product
the tubes, hose and floor nozzle
are held securely
Safety cut-out
If the cleaner overheats, a motor
protection thermostat will
automatically switch the cleaner
off. If this happens,
switch the
cleaner off, unplug from the
power supply and leave the
cleaner to cool for at least
60 minutes.
Check the
airways for blockages, empty
the dust canister and clean the
filters before restarting.
Care and
Your cleaner is manufactured to
withstand normal day-to-day
use, but an occasional wipe
over with a damp cloth will help
maintain it’s good looks.
Abrasive cleaners should not be
Purchasing filters
Use original filters. Replacement
filters can be purchased from
specialist retailers or directly
from our Replacement Parts
telephone number shown below.
If you have any difficulty with
your appliance, do not hesitate
to call us.
We are more likely to be able to
help than the store from where
you bought it.
Please have the following
information ready to enable our
staff to deal with your query
Name of the product
Model number as shown on the
underside of the appliance.
Serial number as shown on
underside of the appliance.
UK Helpline
0844 871 0949
Replacement Parts 0844 873 0715
Ireland Helpline
1800 409 119
You may also contact us
through our website, or visit the
site to browse and purchase
appliances, spare parts and
accessories from the extensive
Morphy Richards range.
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