Manual de instrucciones del montacoches MH KOMPACT – rev. 2
17 de 28
Speed Control
The function of the speed limiter is to control the speed of the lift, and even to stop it, by
means of the hydraulic system (parachute valve certified to EN 81-41). The speed limiter
acts if the lift platform exceeds the rated speed, blocking the oil flow. The limiter operates
even during power outages.
Landing doors
Doors are installed on each floor and in the elevator car to protect users from injury during
elevator operation. Electrical door contacts prevent the lift from moving if the doors are
not fully closed. Floor doors are mounted with a special lock that keeps the doors closed
and locked if the lift car is not at floor level on that floor.
Protective devices, such as photocells, are installed at the car entrance to prevent the
doors from closing if any person is entering or exiting the elevator, or standing too close
to the doors for too long.
Car Lift Floor
The platform is a perimetrically delimited surface for transporting vehicles and their
occupants. The platform has a lower chassis that reinforces it.
7- Guides
The guides are made of steel and slide the platform along the lift shaft. The guides are
fixed vertically to the shaft structure.
8- Signalling
The signalling system is the user interface of the lift. Via the push button panel and the
display, it can be called up and the destination floor can be selected. The signalling system
transfers these messages to the electronic control of the lift.
9- Wedging system
The wedging system is a mechanical safety device fixed to the chassis of the lift car. If
there is a major transmission cable failure, the wedging system grips the guides firmly and
stops the lift platform
10- Brake (hydraulic valve)
The brake is a hydraulic valve that prevents the lift platform from moving when at rest or
when the power supply to the cylinder is cut off.
The valve maintains the position of the cylinder. It closes automatically when the control
panel cuts off the power supply or there is a power failure.