Options Menu Cont.
HW Controllers
Hardware controllers options lets you to adjust or deactivate up to four knobs or switches on the rear panel of your
subwoofer. For a full control by app, please switch Off all controllers, otherwise turning Off/On of the subwoofer will return
the control to the rear panel knobs.
Auto On/Off
allows you to adjust auto On threshold in mVRMS units, and hold On time in minutes. 10mVRMS and 2
minutes are default values.
Fig 23. Auto on/off window.
Fig 22. HW controllers window.
Options Menu Cont.
Gain Slider:
The volume slider with Input Level indication (gray/green/red means, signal is less/more than Auto On
Threshold, or input clipped).
Sub Harmonic Synthesizer (old tracks bass restoration, good example is Jackson Sisters - I Believe In Miracles
or Diana Krall - Temptation). Controls: dry/wet 0:100%. Brings a lot of tectonic punch, better if the limiter is On, ideal for
closed box subwoofers.
Delay Controls:
2.5:65mS or 5:67.5mS for the FIR room correction mode (latency 2.5/5mS). Sometimes needed to
match delay with full range speakers if delayed.
Fig 25. Main window (continuation).
Fig 24. Main window.