G2 Camera Overview
G2 camera head is designed to be easily used with a set of accessories to
fulfil various observing needs. Camera head itself is manufactured in two
different variants:
Camera with Internal filter wheel.
Camera with control port for External filter wheel. This model
allows attachment of several variants of external filter wheels
with various number of filter positions and sizes.
Figure 1: G2 Camera Mark II without filter wheel (left), with Internal filter wheel
(middle) and with attached External filter wheel (right)
G2 camera model with Internal filter wheel accepts two sizes of filters:
Filter wheel with 5 positions for unmounted D31 mm filters or
filters in 1.25” threaded cells.
Filter wheel with 6 positions for unmounted D26 mm (or 1”)
There are two sizes of the External filter wheels, each capable to accept
two sizes of filters, available for the G2 cameras:
Extra small “XS” size wheel for 8 unmounted filters D31 mm or
filters in 1.25” threaded cells.