return to inactive if a ballast switch is used, speed is not between 7 mph and 26 mph, or
cruise set speed is not within 7 mph and 26 mph. If the display is powered down, it will
come back with AutoWake off.
AutoWake Countdown:
Once all conditions are met in the AutoWake Inactive state, a
countdown of 10 seconds will begin. This countdown will remain as long as conditions
continue to be met. Once the countdown is finished, AutoWake will become active. If any of
the conditions change to be outside of the Active limits, the countdown will stop and the
state will go back to AutoWake Inactive. The countdown will start over once conditions are
AutoWake Active:
This will occur once:
Set speed is between 7mph and 26mph
Actual speed is within 0.1mph of set speed
The 10 second countdown has finished.
After the countdown, the AutoWake system will begin to fill and drain ballasts in order to
reach the desired pitch and roll values. The system will always fill before it starts to drain.
Therefore the side that needs to lower will always fill to 100% before the opposite side
begins to drain (to raise that side). For roll, if one side has reached the maximum and the