Turn down the monitor amp to a comfortable level. You’ll hear frequency modulation
of the carrier oscillator by the two LFO waveforms. MIXER IN 1 and IN 2 determine the
strengths of the individual LFO waveforms, MASTER sets the overall strength of the dual
LFO waveform, and OFFSET raises and lowers the voltage at the center of the dual LFO
waveform, thereby raising and lowering the pitch of the carrier oscillator.
Now disconnect the monitor amp from the CARRIER OUT jack and connect it to the
MF102 AUDIO OUT jack. Connect your instrument the the MF102’s AUDIO IN. Set MIX to
“ 10” and AMOUNT to “ 0” . Listen to the effect of the dual LFO modulation on your
instrument’s ring-modulated signal.
Figure 14 - Setup for dual LFO modulation.