Software Version 2.0 for the minimoog Voyager contains an extensive MIDI
implementation. The MIDI channel for transmission and reception is selected in the
MASTER mode. It is remembered after power down.
MIDI Transmission and Reception includes:
Note On messages: The Voyager is a monophonic synthesizer, and responds to
Note On messages based on the Note Priority and Trigger Mode
selected. Note On messages are transmitted polyphonically.
Program Change messages: Program Change Messages are transmitted by
using the +/-1 Buttons.
All Notes Off: Transmitted by pressing the MASTER button in Panel Mode.
Pitch Bend
MIDI CCs (for the front panel controls) CC stands for continuous controller – a
type of MIDI message used to produce variation in a sound. A CC
message has a number (which describes what parameter is changed)
and a value. All the front panel knobs and switches are assigned a CC
number. Here is the list of Voyager parameters and CCs assigned to
them. The following is a list of the Voyager’s Front Panel Controls and the
corresponding MIDI CCs:
Voyager Control
MIDI CC numbers
Mod Wheel
1 MSB 33 LSB
2 MSB 34 LSB (receive only)
4 MSB 36 LSB (receive only)
Release Switch
88 (Value 0-64=Off; 65-127=On)
Glide Switch
65 (Value 0-64=Off; 65-127=On)
Glide Rate
5 MSB 37 LSB
LFO Sync switch
67 (Value 0-31=Off; 32-63=MIDI; 64-
95=KB; 96-127=Env. Gate)
LFO Rate
3 MSB 35 LSB
Mod Wheel Source
68 (Value 0-15=Tri; 16-31= Squ; 32-
47= Osc. 3; 48-63=S+H; 64-79 =
On/Mod2; 80-127=Noise/PGM)
Mod Wheel Destination
69 (Value 0-15=Pitch; 16-31= Osc.2;
32-47= Osc. 3; 48-63=Filt; 64-79 =
Wave; 80-127=LFO Rate/PGM)
Mod Wheel Shaping
70 (Value 0-31=Filt. Env.; 32-
63=Velocity; 64-95=Aftertouch; 96-
Mod Wheel Amount
6 MSB 38 LSB
Pedal/On Source
71 (Value 0-15=Tri; 16-31= Squ; 32-
47= Osc. 3; 48-63=S+H; 64-79 =
On/Mod2; 80-127=Noise/PGM)
Pedal/On Destination
72 (Value 0-15=Pitch; 16-31= Osc.2;
32-47= Osc. 3; 48-63=Filt; 64-79 =
Wave; 80-127=LFO Rate/PGM)
Pedal/On Shaping
73 (Value 0-31=Filt. Env.; 32-
63=Velocity; 64-95=Aftertouch; 96-
Pedal/On Amount
8 MSB 40 LSB