background image

Relocate screw
and seal washer to
P port for external
(5th port) pilot
oil supply

Location of
screw and seal
washer for
standard internal
(4th port) pilot
oil supply



 To prolong servovalve operational life and to reduce hydraulic system 

maintenance, it is recommended that the hydraulic fluid be kept at a cleanliness 
level of ISO DIS 4406 Code 16/13 maximum, 14/11 recommended. The most 
effective filtration scheme incorporates the use of a kidney loop or “off-line” 
filtration as one of the major filtration components. The filter for the “off-line” 
filtration scheme should be a B


75 filter for maximum effectiveness. 


 Upon system startup and prior to mounting the servovalve, the entire  

hydraulic system should be purged of built-in contaminating particles by an 
adequate flushing. The servovalve should be replaced by a flushing manifold and 
the hydraulic circuit powered up under conditions of fluid temperature and fluid 
velocity, reasonably simulating normal operating conditions. New system filters are 
installed during the flushing process whenever the pressure drop across the filter 
element becomes excessive. The flushing processes should turn over the fluid in 
the reservoir between fifty to one hundred times.

 To maintain a clean hydraulic system, the filters must be replaced on 

a periodic basis.  It is best to monitor the pressure drop across the filter 
assembly and replace the filter element when the pressure drop becomes 
excessive.  In addition to other filters that are installed in the hydraulic circuit, 
it is recommended that a large capacity, low pressure ß


75 filter be installed 

in the return line.  This filter will increase the interval between filter element 
replacement and greatly reduce the system contamination level.


(applies to models G761-3001B through G761-3010B)


 The Moog G761/761 series industrial servovalve can be configured for pilot 

stage oil supply through the internal pressure “P” port, or from a separate supply 
line through the “X” port.  Standard configuration is internal pilot operation with 
a screw and seal washer in the “X” port.  This same screw and seal washer must 
be relocated to the “P” port if an external pilot oil supply source is desired. Refer 
to Figure 2 for screw and seal washer locations.


 Upon valve installation, the nameplate must display the proper hydraulic 

schematic and typecode (if applicable). The nameplate currently shows internal  
(4th port) pilot hydraulic schematics and typecode. If a separate pilot supply will 
be used, please attach the provided lower half label showing external (5th port) 
information. See Figure 3.



 The Moog G761/761 series industrial servovalve may be mounted in any 

position, provided the servovalve pressure, control and return ports match their 
respective manifold ports.

 The mounting pattern and port locations of the servovalve are shown on 

Figure 6. The servovalve should be mounted with 5/16-18 x 1.75 inch long, socket 
head cap screws.  Apply a light film of oil to the screw threads and torque to 
96 inch pounds.  Wire the mating connector for desired coil configuration and 
polarity. Thread the connector to valve.  



 It is often desirable to adjust the flow null of a servovalve independent 

of other system parameters. The “mechanical null adjustment” on the Moog 
G761/761 series servovalve allows at least ±20% adjustment of flow null. 

 The “mechanical null adjustor” is an eccentric bushing retainer pin located 

above the “return” port designation on the valve body (see Figure 4) which, when 
rotated, provides control of the bushing position. Mechanical feedback elements 
position the spool relative to the valve body for a given input signal. Therefore, a 
movement of the bushing relative to the body, changes the flow null.

Mechanical Adjustment Procedure

Using a 




 inch offset box wrench, loosen the self-locking fitting until the  

null adjustor pin can be rotated. (This should usually be less than 1/2 turn).  
DO NOT remove self-locking fitting. Insert a 




 inch Allen wrench in null 

adjustor pin. Use the 




 Allen wrench to rotate the mechanical null adjustor  

pin to obtain desired flow null. Torque self-locking fitting to 57 inch lbs.

Figure 3



Disconnect the electrical lead to the servovalve. 


Relieve the hydraulic system of residual pressure. 


Remove the servovalve.

Figure 2

Figure 4
Mechanical Null Adjustment


Local regulations may require precise hydraulic labeling on components!
