if required the next
page can be cut out and used
as reference throughout the
assembly. Keep this page with
these instructions for future
Safety and Care Advice
All screws and bolts, etc. should be checked and tightened on a regular basis.
Store your barbecue in a cool dry place. It must be inspected on a regular basis as damp or condensa-
tion can form which may result in damage to the barbecue. It may be necessary to dry the barbecue and
the inside of the cover if used. Mould can grow under these conditions and should be cleaned and
treated if required. Any rust that is found that does not come into contact with the food should be treated
with a rust inhibitor and painted with barbecue paint or a heat resistant paint. Warming racks and grills
should be coated with cooking oil. Wrap the burners in aluminium foil to help prevent insects or other de-
bris from obstructing the burners. The gas bottle must be always be disconnected from the barbecue and
stored in a well ventilated area at least 1 metre away from any fixed ignition source. Do not store inside
residential accommodation. Never store cylinders below ground level (e.g. cellars). Do not let children
tamper with bottles.
Carbon Monoxide Hazard