Self Amplified Digital Keypad with Bluetooth and Analog Inputs
1. Press the power button on the device to turn it on. The orange backlight behind the
digital display will be illuminated when power is on.
2. (Optional) Establish a Bluetooth connection between your mobile device and the
amplifier unit by performing the following steps:
2a. Ensure that your Bluetooth capable device is within 3 feet of the
amplifier/Bluetooth Receiver.
2b. Initiate the pairing procedure on your Bluetooth capable device. You should see
Audio Adapter XXXX
, where XXXX is the 4-digit number on the audio
adapter. If you do not see the audio adapter device entry, turn off the digital
keypad, wait 30 seconds, then power it back on. Wait another 5 seconds and you
should see the
Audio Adapter XXXX
entry in the list of available Bluetooth
2c. When asked to input the passkey or PIN code, enter
. This passkey should
only be needed the first time you connect to the keypad. The keypad remember
up to 8 Bluetooth pairings and will automatically reconnect to a previously paired
3. If the audio source is not already hardwired to the keypad or is not connected via
Bluetooth, connect it to the keypad using the 3.5mm or 2x RCA connections.
4. With the volume turned all the way down on the audio source device, press the
volume up button on the keypad until the numeric display reads at least 20. The
volume on the keypad has 31 steps, so 20 represents about 2/3ds of maximum
5. Next, increase the volume on your audio source device until it is at your desired
listening level. From this point, the keypad can be used to increase or decrease
volume without needing to adjust the volume on the source device.
The Hi-Lo Input Level Switch is used to adjust the input sensitivity of the amplifier.
setting is designed for a 200mV input signal. If the audio source is from the
headphone output of a mobile device, use the LO setting.
setting is designed for a 1.0V input signal. If the audio source is from a standard
audio component (e.g., DVD player via RCA), use the HI setting.