functions are implemented in the target MIDI device.
RPNs and NRPNs work in a similar fashion. Each requires a pair of MIDI controller
messages and values that are used to define the RPN or NRPN to be sent. For RPNs,
the controllers are #100 (LSB) and #101 (MSB), while for NRPNs, the controllers are
#98 (LSB) and #99 (MSB). The values sent via these MIDI CCs define which RPN, or
NRPN respectively, is selected for control.
Once the RPN or NRPN is defined, another pair of controller messages is used to send
the value associated with the RPN or NRPN message. MIDI CC #6 is used to send a
“coarse” value, or MSB, while MIDI CC #38 is used to send a “fine” value, or LSB
(although the LSB is not always necessary).
On the 606606, you can use ASSIGN in KEYBOARD MULTI-FUNCTION mode to set
each of the required MIDI controllers for sending RPN and NRPN messages to the
available physical controls, such as the KNOBS. Then you can use those controls in the
correct order to define the RPN or NRPN, and then send the associated value.
DATA MSB and DATA LSB keys to send RPN messages, or NRPN MSB, NRPN LSB,
DATA MSB and DATA LSB keys to send NRPN messages. For example, to send an
NRPN message, enter KEYBOARD MULTI FUNCTION mode by pressing EDIT, then
complete the following steps:
1. Press the NRPN MSB key on the keyboard. The LED will display the currently
selected value.
2. Next, input the desired NRPN MSB value (0-127) with the NUMERIC keys, and
press ENTER. The
LED will show “don” (done) to confirm that the new
value has
been selected.
3. Press EDIT again and then press the NRPN LSB key on the keyboard. The LED
will display the currently selected value.
4. Next, input the desired NRPN LSB value (0-127) with the NUMERIC keys, and
press ENTER. The
LED will show “don” (done) to confirm that the new
value has
been selected. This defines the NRP
N being sent. Now it’s primed to send the
NRPN value.
5. Press EDIT again and then press the DATA MSB key on the keyboard. The LED
will display the currently selected value.
6. Next, input the desired DATA MSB value (0-127) with the NUMERIC keys, and
press ENTER. The
LED will show “don” (done) to confirm that the new
value has
been sent. Depending on how the NRPN has been implemented by the
manufacturer of your target MIDI device or software, the DATA MSB value may be
all that you need (please refer to that target manufacturer’s MIDI documentation).
If the LSB is required, continue through steps 7 and 8.
7. Press EDIT again and then press DATA LSB key on the keyboard. The LED will