Q6: The display shows an F3 error code.
A6: The compressor protection circuit has activated. Turn the unit off, then restart it after
30 minutes. If the code is still displayed, contact Monoprice Technical Support.
Q7: The display shows an F5 error code.
A7: The compressor controller module protection circuit has activated. Turn the unit off
and place it in a well-ventilated area, then restart it after 30 minutes. If the code is still
displayed, contact Monoprice Technical Support.
Q8: The display shows either an F7 or F8 error code.
A8: The temperature sensor has encountered an error. Restart the unit. If the code is still
displayed, contact Monoprice Technical Support.
Monoprice is pleased to provide free, live, online technical support to assist you with any
questions you may have about installation, setup, troubleshooting, or product
recommendations. If you ever need assistance with your new product, please come online
to talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable Tech Support Associates. Technical
support is available through the online chat button on our website www.monoprice.com
or through email by sending a message to [email protected]. Check the website for
support times and links.