Press the Hi-Fi button again the return to Conference Meeting Mode. The
microphone will be enabled, the audio output will be returned to normal, and the
LED Status Indicator will change from green to blue.
Q1: The camera does not power up.
A1: Ensure the USB cable is connected properly to the camera and computer. Ensure that
the USB cable does not exceed 16 feet in length. Ensure that the Conferencing App is
properly configured to use the camera.
Q2: The microphone is not working.
A2: Ensure that tat the Conferencing App is configured to use the microphone. Ensure that
the microphone is not muted. Ensure that Hi-Fi Mode is not enabled.
Q3: There is no sound output from the speaker.
A3: Ensure that the speaker is set as the default sound output device in the computer's
system settings. Adjust the volume level. Ensure that the speaker is not muted.
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questions you may have about installation, setup, troubleshooting, or product
recommendations. If you ever need assistance with your new product, please come online
to talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable Tech Support Associates. Technical
support is available through the online chat button on our website www.monoprice.com
or through email by sending a message to [email protected]. Check the website for
support times and links.