© Monitor Audio Ltd 2001
Guarantee and Service
Valid upon completion of the guarantee card and its return within 30 days of
This equipment has been fully tested prior to despatch from the factory. Both the
craftmanship and the performance of this product is guaranteed against
manufacturing defects for the period of one year from the date of purchase (see
conditions below) and that the product was supplied by an authorised Monitor
Audio retailer under the consumer sale agreement.
(The words ‘consumer sale’ shall be construed in accordance with section 15 of the
supply of goods act 1973).
Monitor Audio accepts no responsibility for defects arising from accident; misuse,
abuse, wear and tear, modification or operation outside of that specified within this
instruction manual. Neither will responsibility be accepted for damage or loss
occurring during transit to or from the parties claiming under this guarantee.
This guarantee covers both labour and parts. The liability of Monitor Audio is
limited to the cost of repair or replacement of the defective parts (at the discretion
of Monitor Audio) and under no circumstances extends to consequential losses or
Claims under this guarantee
The equipment should be returned in its packing to the original supplier where
possible, or to any other authorised Monitor Audio dealer. If it is not possible to
return the equipment by hand, then it should be sent carriage prepaid via a
reputable carrier. If the original packing is not available replacement packing can be
purchased from Monitor Audio. If you have any difficulties complying with these
requirements please contact us at the following address:
Monitor Audio Ltd
24 Brook Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7XL England
+44 (0) 1268 740580
+44 (0) 1268 740589
You may wish to visit our website which gives full details of our complete range of
This guarantee does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer under UK law.
Monitor Audio reserve the right to alter specifications without notice if considered
an improvement can be made to the product.