SR3 Type 1 Technical Manual
TSP005.doc Issue 5.0 – Jan 2005
Money Controls 2005. All rights reserved.
Page 14 of 50
7. Debug
Debug features are used to determine reasons for coin reject, and are output on the coin
acceptor LED by a number of red pulses (see
The coin acceptor LED under normal operation should be GREEN.
The LED is situated above the 6 way DIL switch on the connector side on the acceptor (See
Table 3: Debug Features
1 RED pulse
Coin accepted / reject lever pressed
2 RED pulses
Coin outside programmed sensor windows
3 RED pulses
Coin valid, but inhibited
4 RED pulses
Master Inhibit from host machine
Debug features will not be buffered and assume a single coin insertion. The insertion of several
coins would cause an overflow and no useful information.
The debug features operate in normal acceptor operation.
The LED cannot be seen if the machine door is closed.