Software Configuration
SkanWasher 400 User Guide
Wash Step Selections
Each program can have up to 16 wash steps. There are seven wash step
selections available for each step. Press
to enter selection and
use up/down arrow buttons to change settings. Press
to select.
Wash Step
Rinse Time
Set time in seconds from 0.1 to 10 seconds
Disp Volume
Set dispense volume from 100-350 µl
Set soak/pause time from 5 seconds to 2 minutes 50
Wash volume
Set volume of wash from 100-900 µl
Wash time
Set time from 0.1 to 10 seconds
Set aspiration time from 2.0 - 10 seconds. Lift velocity is
varied with selected aspirate time.The lift velocity is
automatically set so that at the last second of the aspira-
tion, the aspirate probes are at the bottom of the well.
Aspirate times longer than 5 seconds will have the same
lift velocity as the 5 seconds setting.
Aspirate time = 2.0 second lift velocity approximately
1 second
Aspirate time = 5 second lift velocity approximately
4 seconds
End Wash
Set for last step of wash.
Table 1: Wash Step Selections
To save the
changes made, Exit/Save must be
selected after program setting