Operating Procedures
0112-0127 B
If you have questions about this procedure please contact
Molecular Devices Technical Support and ask to speak to an
applications scientist.
Figure 3-36:
Plot of RFU vs. Wavelength
Perform Emission Scan #2:
In the SoftMax Pro Software, set up a third Plate section for an
emission scan as specified in
, except selecting
Manual Cutoff Filter
and setting the
wavelength to that determined in
Perform the scan and view the results as a plot of fluorescence
vs. emission wavelength.
Note the wavelength giving the maximum emission (the optimal
emission wavelength).
Compare the spectra of the sample containing the fluorophore
to the spectra of the buffer blank to get an estimate of the signal-
to-noise ratio. If there is significant background interference,
with another choice of cutoff filter.
RFU at 90%
of maximum lamda
90% of
maximum lambda
Maximum lambda
FlexStation_manual.book Page 107 Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:22 AM