Tweed Super
Style Amp Kit Manual 2012
Page 3
Fiberboard Assembly
Tech Tip - Always use a clean tip on your soldering iron to make positive, clean solder joints, (“cold”
solder joints can be a major problem in hand-wired amps)
Always try to rely more on the schematic than the wiring diagram in any circuit.
Be sure of component placement and orientation, especially capacitors (positive, negative)
It is recommended to place the components on the fiberboard and the wire leads before soldering.
This step can help prevent cold solder joints by eliminating the need to push wires through an already
established solder connection.
Check and double check the traces on the back of the fiberboard. (this is one of the most common areas
that mistakes are made).
If you plan on doing modifications such as “hot-rodding” (adding a bright switch etc.) and have never put
a kit together before, it is suggested that you assemble the basic amp and have it functioning properly, to
have an understanding of how the amp works before you start modifying it.
Photo 5 - Fiberboard Assembly
(Top View)
Photo 6 - Fiberboard Assembly
(Bottom View)