Step 9 – Wire the front panel components
Strip and tin a 3" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the output jack’s “tip” lug to T5(1).
Strip and tin a 3" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the “P” terminal on the A-side of the mini-
toggle switch to T6(1).
Strip and tin a 3" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the output jack’s “tip” lug to the “T-on”
terminal on the A-side of the mini-toggle switch.
Strip and tin a 2" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the 500KL pot’s “hot” lug to T7(1).
Strip and tin an 7" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the 10KL pot’s “hot” lug to T8(2).
Strip and tin an 9 ½" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the 10KL pot’s “wiper” lug to V1 pin 7.
Strip and tin a 3" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the 500KL pot’s “cold” lug to T7(2).
space on this “cold” lug for another wire connection.
Strip and tin a 4 ½" length of blue hook-up wire and connect the 10KL pot’s “cold” lug to T7(2).
Step 10 – Prepare and connect the shielded wires
Cut a 9 ½” length of shielded 26 AWG wire and prepare it for connection by following the steps below:
1) On one end, carefully remove ½” of the outer insulation.
shielded 26 AWG stranded wire
2) Create a single ½” length conductor out of the shield ending.
The outer insulation is very thin so apply your wire strippers around the wire
very lightly while gently rotating the wire to create a ring around the
insulation. The goal is to pull off ½” of the outer insulation without cutting
into the shielding beneath it.
Pull the shielding away from the inner insulation with your fingers. Push the shielding back down toward the outer insulation
and twist the strands into a single conductive piece pointing out in one direction from the wire end.
3) Tin this ½” shield conductor with solder.
Be careful not to burn the insulation beneath it.
4) Carefully remove ¼” of inner insulation from this same wire end and tin the
inner conductor.
Be careful not to burn through the insulation covering it.
The goal is to pull off ¼” of the inner insulation without cutting into the inner conductor beneath it. When you are ready to pull
off the inner insulation from this wire end, grasp the wire at the inner insulation with your fingers to avoid accidentally pulling
the outer insulation down further.
5) On the other end of the wire, remove ¼” of the outer insulation, pull the shielding away from the inner
insulation and cut off all of the exposed strands of shielding from this end with wire cutters.
6) Remove 1/8" of inner insulation from this end and tin the inner conductor.
Be careful not to burn
through the insulation covering it.
9 ½”