M25M Camera Manual: Operating the Camera
© MOBOTIX AG • Security-Vision-Systems • Made in Germany
www.mobotix.com • [email protected]
3.2.2 First Images and the Most Important Settings in the Browser
Once the MOBOTIX camera has been connected to the power supply and to the network,
you can access the user interface with the live camera image in the web browser. Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Safari or any other graphical browser with activated JavaScript is suitable.
It does not matter which operating system is used.
After entering the camera’s IP address in the browser’s address bar, you will see the live
view of the MOBOTIX camera with its user interface controls, such as softbuttons, buttons
for the different camera screens, pull-down menus (Quick Controls), icons for accessing
the online help and the camera status, and status information elements.
Default access data for the administration menu
• User name:
• Password:
Camera views
Quick controls
Camera status and help