Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
DK-8660 Skanderborg
1. General information
Dear customer
This user manual contains a description of the product and important guidances to ensure a correct
and safe usage of the product. It is important prior to use to read this manual carefully. It is
especially important to read the safety requirements and follow these.
We continuously develop our products and we reserve the right without further notice to change the
specifcations and functions of products.
Purpose of the product (Intended usage, indications, contraindications)
Intended usage: The walker has been designed as an assistance walking aid for people who have
mobility problems related to standing or walking independently. With this device those persons can
stand, and walk more easily. The main purpose of this product is to provide balance during the gait
as well as providing partial unloading of the upper limbs through the forearm supports, which can
be adjusted in and out to ft the users trunk. The forearm supports can be adjusted up and down by
a control lever connected to the gas strut. The hand grip and brake lever assemblies can be
positioned independently to enable the best position for the User. Such a walker ofers better
support, balance and stability than regular rollators. The device may be used indoor only. Any other
usage is prohibited.
Indications: Individuals who, (because of the wide variety of possible health problems) require
additional stable support during walking. Individuals under physical rehabilitation treatment after a
surgical operation on their leg, foot or hip.
Contraindications: The device must not be used by persons who have serious problems with body
balance or whose muscle strength is too low to be able to stand and walk, even with extra support
of a walker. The need and possibility of usage of a walker by patient should be always estimated an
indicated by a physician or physical therapist.
By questions please take contact to your dealer or directly to Mobilex A/S
Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
+45 87 93 22 20
DK-8660 Skanderborg
+45 87 93 17 77
2. Safety requirements
Make sure that this user manual is read by all persons who use the device. The manufacturer
doesn’t take any responsibility for damages and/or injuries, caused by the fact that the user’s
manual has not been followed.
Limitations for usage
The allowed max. user weight for the device is 150 kg.
The device is dedicated to be used only indoors on fat surfaces.
The device may NOT be used as a stand-up helping aid.
The gas spring is intended ONLY for support of adjusting the height of the armrests.
The gas spring may not be used as additional power for standing up.
The device may ONLY be used when the armrest supporting columns are locked in the right
position with the position locking knobs.
Avoiding accidents
Use the device only for the purpose it is intended for.
Use the device only in good technical condition.
Avoid making constructive changes on the device, unless you have the manufacturer’s
written acceptance for such modifcations.
During diferent adjustments which are possible on the device the user must take care not to
squeeze the fngers or other body parts between two moving elements of the device
All wheels MUST be in contact with the foor at ALL TIMES during use. This will ensure the
device is properly balanced and should avoid accidents.
When using the device in a stationary position, the hand brakes MUST be locked.
The brakes MUST be in the locked position before entering or leaving the device.
Rev. 01/18
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a better life in motion