xTablet T1190
This Tablet is equipped with a built-in high-capacity Lithium-ion Polymer battery pack.
The rechargeable Lithium-ion Polymer battery pack is an internal power source.
The battery pack may be damaged if users attempt to disassemble it. The limited warranty will be
voided if the battery pack is disassembled by non-authorized technicians. Please follow your local
laws and regulations to recycle the Tablet and the built-in battery pack.
► Conserving Battery Power
Efficient battery power is critical to maintain normal operation. If battery power is not managed well, the saved data and
customized settings may be lost.
To optimize battery life and avoid sudden power loss, read the tips below:
• Suspend system operation if the system will be idle for a period of time.
• Disable unnecessary settings or remove idle peripherals.
• Connect an AC/DC adapter to the system whenever possible.
► Charging the Battery Pack
The built-in battery pack can be recharged when the Tablet is connected to the AC power. Please pay attention to the fol-
lowing tips before recharging the battery:
• You can use the system, suspend system operation or shut down and turn off the system without interrupting the
charging process.
• The built-in battery pack uses Lithium-ion Polymer battery cells that have no “memory effect.” It is unnecessary to
discharge the battery before recharging. However, to optimize the life of battery, we suggest that consuming the battery
power completely once a month is necessary.
• The actual charging time will be determined by the applications in use.
(NOTE:Please do not charge battery in temperature below 0º or above 45ºC , it may cause safety issue.)