notebook/computer/USB power adapter for charging.
Note: Charging time will vary depending on the power source.
5. LED Light Indicator for Charging
The speaker is turned OFF and charging:
The LED light from the button will light up to indicate it is charging.
The LED light will turn off once it is fully charged.
The speaker is turned ON and charging:
The LED light from the button will light up and will not be turned
OFF even when it is fully charged.
6. Specifications:
Speaker output: 3W 4Ω
- Battery: 3.7V / 300 mAH
- Charge Time: 3 Hours (depending on power source)
Keep the speaker away from water or other liquid.
Setzen Sie die kleine Kunststoffscheibe in die Aussparung an der
Oberseite des Lautsprechers ein.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass das kleine Stück, das aus der Scheibe
herausragt, in den Schlitz unterhalb des Lautsprechergitters passt.
Vergewissern Sie sich, dass es an der gleichen Stelle wie in der
umseitigen Abbildung eingefügt ist.