Chapter 1
Warning Fire and Explosion
Keep flames away
Store fuel and engine oil in a
well-ventilated area.
Make sure that the caps of fuel
and engine oil containers are
tightly closed, and store them in
the designated site.
Do not use flames or smoke where fuel or oil is
handled or cleaning solvent is used for washing
Spilled fuel, oil and LLC should be wiped immedi-
ately and thoroughly. Spilled fuel, oil and LLC can
ignite and cause fire.
Keep engine and surrounding
area clean
Do not store combustible (such as fuel, engine oil
and LLC), explosive or dangerous materials near
the engine. Those substances can cause a fire or
Keep the engine and the surrounding area free of
dust, dirt and foreign materials, since they can
cause fire or the engine to overheat.
Clean the top surface of the battery after perform-
ing maintenance work. Dust on the battery may
cause a short-circuit.
The engine must be used at least 1 m [3.3 ft.] away
from buildings and other equipment to prevent pos-
sible fire caused by engine heat.
Never open crankcase until
engine cools
If the cover is opened while the engine is still hot,
fresh air comes into crankcase and oil mist can be
ignited by engine heat, then it may lead to the
explosion of the engine.
Never open the engine crankcase cover before the
engine becomes cool, wait at least 10 minutes after
the engine stops.
Check for fuel, oil and exhaust
gas leaks
Inspect fuel, oil and exhaust pipes regularly for
damage and looseness. If a fuel, oil and exhaust
gas leak is found, repair the leakage immediately.
Fuel or oil spilled on a hot surface of the engine,
and exhaust gas blown onto a combustible material
may cause fire and result in personal injury and/or
damage to equipment.
Use flameproof light
When inspecting fuel, engine oil, coolant, battery
electrolyte, etc., use a flameproof light. An ordinary
light may ignite and cause an explosion.
Do not short electrical wires
Before inspecting or servicing any electrical compo-
nent, disconnect the ground cable from the nega-
tive (-) battery terminal to prevent short-circuit and
Loose terminals or damaged cables/wires can
cause a short-circuit that may result in fire. Before
operating the engine, inspect the cables and wires,
and repair or replace if necessary.
Keep fire extinguishers and first-
aid kit nearby
Keep fire extinguishers nearby,
and be familiarized with their
Keep a first-aid kit at the desig-
nated place, and make sure it is
easily accessible at anytime.
Establish response procedures to follow in the
event of fire or accident, and post information con-
cerning emergency contact locations and their con-
tact methods.