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1.2 Features
1.2 Features
Features of redundant system are indicated below.
(1) Redundant Configuration of Basic System
As a redundant system consists two basic systems, i.e., two sets of CPU modules,
power supply modules, main base units, network module
, etc., one of the basic
systems controls the whole system, while the other one performs backup.
Data of the CPU module performing control is transmitted to the backup CPU module
in order to make the data consistent. This enables the backup system to take over the
redundant system control after the control system goes down and system switching
* 1: The control system indicates the system that actually controls the a redundant system.
* 2: The standby system indicates the backup system within a redundant system.
If an error occurs in the control system, the standby system takes over the control of the
redundant system.
* 3: Refer to Section 2.3, for details of network modules compatible for redundant system.
Diagram 1.2 Redundant Configuration of Basic System
Data tracking
Continue control using
device data from
control system
Control system *
Control system
Standby system *
Power supply
CPU module
Network module
Tracking cable
Tracking cable