Driver’s left
Figure 29
: Air conditioner assembly, showing
order to loosen hex screws.
You will need:
Socket or spanner 10mm, 12mm, 14mm
Gloves (recommended)
And remember this:
only turn the engine crankshaft clockwise, the natural direction of rotation, to
prevent any risk of the timing chain tensioner becoming misaligned.
How to do it:
Remove intercooler (see above).
Remove air conditioner belt (if
fitted). To do this, remove
radiator hose at vehicle left
(top front right from
mechanic’s perspective) (1
big hose clip), and radiator-
bottle hose (1 small hose
clip). Slacken air con idler
(two bolts), -but do not
remove- the lower one first,
then loosen (anticlockwise)
the top one and tap it
downwards if necessary to
slide the idler, try not to
remove it completely as it’s
difficult to put back). See
Figure 29.
Remove lower skid pan (steel,
see above for oil change, 6 hex screws).
Remove air con belt (not easy, work from underneath and prise belt off the
pulley, turn pulley to remove completely, like taking off a bicycle tyre), get new
belt if tapered sides are cut anywhere.
Slacken alternator. To do this, loosen swing arm (two hex screws, first loosen
the one to the mechanic’s right
, then the other, do not remove screws
completely), use long bar to prise the alternator inwards. It rotates about a
hinge at it’s base, and it may be necessary to loosen this base hinge if it
refuses to shift (try this from below - even then it’s not an easy job as the oil
filter is in the way). Remove old fan belts.
Check crankshaft pulley - it should not rotate independent of the engine. If it
does rotate freely then remove radiator and fix the problem (may need new
pulley). See next section.
Fit new fan belts over the three pulleys. Easy said, but takes a while as it’s