O Check of defrost heater
Check the following points before checking electric continuity.
1. Does the resistance of ambient temperature thermistor have the characteristics? Refer to 11-6.1. or 2.
2. Is the resistance of defrost heater normal? Refer to 11-4.
3. Does the heater protector remain conducted (not open)?
4. Are both ambient temperature thermistor and circuit of defrost heater securely connected to connectors?
Is there 230 VAC between CN722 and on
the inverter P.C. board or the relay P.C. board?
Refer to 11-6.1. or 2.
No problem of the inverter P.C. board or
the relay P.C. board.
Replace the inverter P.C. board or the relay P.C.
In HEAT mode, for more than 5 minutes, let the ambient temperature thermistor continue to read 5°C or
below, and let the defrost thermistor continue to read -1°C or below.
: In case both thermistors are more than the above temperature, cool them with cold
water etc...
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