Connection to server
established, and connection to
indoor unit failed
Connection to Router failed,
and connection to indoor unit
Connection to Router failed,
and starting up indoor unit
Connection to Router failed,
and connection to indoor unit
Connection to server failed,
and connection to indoor unit
Connection to server failed,
and starting up indoor unit
Connection to server failed,
and connection to indoor unit
(*2) Details of fl ash pattern
• Every 0.5 sec: IP address setting is invalid.Check DHCP Settings of the
Router, or check IP address settings of the Wi-Fi interface. If both settings are
correct but still the problem persists, push RESET Button for more than 15
seconds to retry the pairing.
• Every second: DNS setting is invalid.Check DNS Settings of the Router,
or check DNS address settings of the Wi-Fi interface. If both settings are
correct but still the problem persists, push RESET
Button for more than 15
seconds to retry the pairing.
• Twice every 5 sec: Not connected to server. Check if the Router is connected
to the internet.
• Once every 5 sec: Not communicating with server properly. Push RESET
Button for 2 seconds.
(*3) Details when NET LED is OFF
The Wi-Fi interface failed to connect to the Router. Check the following, and pair
the Wi-Fi interface.
• Make sure that the communication distance is not too far between the Wi-Fi
interface and the Router.
• Make sure 2.4GHz is enabled on dual band Routers.
• Make sure that the Router uses WPA2-PSK(AES) encryption.
• Make sure that the number of connected devices to the Router does not
exceed the limit.
• Make sure that WPS is working on the Router.
• Make sure that the Router is compatible with the Wi-Fi interface.
• If Static IP has been set - make sure it is correct as per Router network settings.
If a problem regarding connecting your Router and the Wi-Fi interface persists,
please contact your local Mitsubishi Electric offi ce, as listed on the back of this
guide. A list of compatible Routers is also available.
• Ensure that the Router supports the WPA2-AES encryption setting before
starting the Wi-Fi interface setup.
• The End user should read and accept the terms and conditions of the Wi-Fi
service before using this Wi-Fi interface.
• To complete connection of this Wi-Fi interface to the Wi-Fi service, the Rout-
er may be required.
• This Wi-Fi interface will not commence transmission of any operational data
from the system until the End user registers and accepts the terms and con-
ditions of the Wi-Fi service.
• This Wi-Fi interface should not be installed and connected to any Mitsubishi
Electric system which is to provide application critical cooling or heating.
• Please write down the information regarding the Wi-Fi interface setting on the
last page of this manual, when you set up this Wi-Fi interface.
• At the time of relocation or disposal, reset the Wi-Fi interface to the factory
Mitsubishi Electric’s Wi-Fi interface is designed for communication to
Mitsubishi Electric’s Wi-Fi service. Third party Wi-Fi interfaces cannot
connect to Mitsubishi Electric’s Wi-Fi service. Mitsubishi Electric is not
responsible for any (i) underperformance of a system or any product; (ii)
system or product fault; or (iii) loss or damage to any system or product;
which is caused by or arises from connection to and/or use of any third
party Wi-Fi interface or any third party Wi-Fi service with Mitsubishi Electric
For the latest information regarding Wi-Fi Control:
New Zealand based enquiries please visit: www.mitsubishi-electric.co.nz/wifi
Australian based enquiries please visit: www.mitsubishielectric.com.au/wifi
Once registered you will be able to control your heat
pump with your smartphone, tablet or online account
using an internet connection.
(For a list of compatible devices, please visit the
Mitsubishi Electric website).
User Manual
A copy of the user manual, terms & conditions and
privacy policy can be downloaded at any time from the
Mitsubishi Electric website.
Mitsubishi Electric New Zealand
Phone: 0800 639 434
Mitsubishi Electric Australia
Phone: 1300 728 119
Register Your Heat Pump(s)
Thank you for choosing a Mitsubishi Electric Heat Pump with Wi-Fi Control.
Once your Wi-Fi interface is installed, either download the app (search term:
Mitsubishi Wi-Fi Control) or visit our website to register your heat pump(s).
*Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in
the U.S. and other countries.
*Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric Wi-Fi Heat Pump Control
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