C l e a n i n g a n d T r a n s p o r t i n g
Cleaning the computer
Do not
use solvents or abrasives, they might damage the system unit
Do not
use aerosols or sprays near any part of the system, in
particular, air vents or grills, ports, or removable-media drives, as
microscopic droplets can remain in the air for some time and then
be sucked in when you switch on and cause irreparable damage.
Turn off the system unit and unplug all power cords before cleaning or
moving the computer.
The system unit
Occasionally wipe the outside of the system unit with a soft,
slightly damp, clean cloth.
Occasionally check the air vents on the rear and sides of the
system unit. Dust and fluff can block the vents and limit the
airflow. A small, clean, soft brush may be useful.
Occasionally clean the removable media drives using a special
disk cleaning kit. These are available from many sources
including your Apricot dealer.
The monitor
Occasionally wipe the monitor with a soft, slightly damp, clean
cloth. It is best to use antistatic glass cleaner on the monitor screen
to help prevent dust adhesion.
Do not
spray glass cleaner directly
onto the screen, it could run down inside the case and damage the