5.9 Unique AT Commands
(Commands specific to the A2S/DIN-MODEM-2)
%ACA= <old>, <new>
Replace Administrator level Access Code
%ACU= *, <new>
Enable User level Access Code, set to <new>
%ACU= <old>, *
Disable user level access code
%ACU= <old>, <new>
Replace user level access code
Disable PLC polling
Enable PLC polling
%ADN= nn
Set PLC network number to poll
%ADP= x
Set local PLC protocol
x = 1
An(S) PLC through C24 comms module
x = 2
AnA(S)/QA(S) PLC via C24 comms module
x = 3
x = A A/Q series via E type HMI
x = F FX series via E type HMI
x = T,bbbbb,d,p,s
Transparent mode
bbbbb = Baud rate (max. 38800)
d = no. of Data bits (7,8,9)
p = Parity
(N = None, E = Even, O = Odd)
s = no. of Stop bits (1or 2)
%ADR= xxxxxx
Set PLC polling register address from x to xxxxxx
Returns the Modem to the default settings
eg. AT%ADO=0
%MSGn = <message>
set fixed message n to string <message>
n = 1 to 9
<message> up to 48 ASCII characters
%NET = xxxxx
Set the Telephone network Baud Rate to 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200 & 28800 (default)
Report current A2S software revision
%WATn = xxxxxx
Set PLC register for telemetry header n to value x to
n = A to D
Report current A2S enhanced operating parameters
Reset the Modem after setting this command.