Chapter 8 LAN
If you click
Add new static lease
in the
Static DHCP
screen, the following screen displays.
Figure 22
LAN > Static DHCP: Add
Table 20
LAN > Static DHCP: Add
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address of a computer on your LAN.
IP Address
Enter the IP address that you want to assign to the computer on your LAN.
8.3 The IP Alias Screen
IP alias allows you to partition a physical network into different logical networks over the same
Ethernet interface. The Router supports multiple logical LAN interfaces via its physical Ethernet
interface with the Router itself as the gateway for the LAN network.
When you use IP alias, you can also configure firewall rules to control access to the LAN's logical
network (subnet).
MAC Address
This field displays the MAC address of the client on the LAN.
IP Address
This field displays the IP address of the client on the LAN.
Click the
icon to edit the static DHCP settings.
Click the
icon to remove it.
Table 19
Network Setting > LAN > Static DHCP (continued)