For the Beginner
How E-mai Addressing Works
Every E-mail user has a unique address where you can
send mail. Think that an E-mail is like a mailing address
where you receive postal mail.
Everybody in your town or city has a unique street ad-
dress which allows your mailman to deliver mail to each
person or household.
With E-mail, your street, city, state and zip code is com-
bined into a single descriptor called a domain. Think of a
domain like `123 Maple Street, Cincinnati, OH 12354` in
the postal mail world. Each user within a Domain is as-
signed a name, just as each person in your household
has a unique name.
An E-mail address is simply a combination of a name and
a Domain, combined with the
symbol to separate the
So, for example, an E-mail address might look like:
Name@Domain Name
Which is like saying:
`The james who lives at 123 Maple street in Cincinnati
Ohio, 12345.`
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