Call Forwarding
To forward your calls, you must first configure the
call handling states in Communicator
see the Com-
municator guide for more information.
Press State in the screen, and then scroll down the
list of states; Standard, In Meeting, Out of Office,
Extended Absence, and Custom. Press OK when the
arrow is next to the state you want to activate. Your
screen will now show you the state you have select-
Remember if forwarding to an external number, the
cost of the onward call will be charged to you!
If you have the relevant permission, you can assign
your extension to any phone on the system. Press the
Voicemail key on the phone you want to log on to.
Press Call VM in screen and then press # if the hand-
set is available or assigned to someone else (if it’s
‘anonymous’ you will not need to press #). Enter your
extension number, then your 6 digit password.
At the main menu select 7, and then one of the num-
bers from the prompts that follow. Press 3 to reassign
the extension, then 1 to assign the extension or 2 to
unassign the extension. The handset will then revert
to its original extension.
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